If your looking for another Dragon ball z show this is definitely for you. Even though this was originally going to air on cartoon network I'm pretty sure they reanimated some of the fight scenes to be more brutal. Their are so many scenes where you see Andy the main character holding on to her opponent and getting constantly pummeled with a fist to the face I'd imagine if they new they were going to air on Adult Swim this would be mixed with a lot of blood flying from the nose.
But yes, they fight more like MMA fighters then pro wrestling so I'm guessing that side of the story was to manage the violence level. Now, its not really needed but they still call it wrestling.
And you can def tell it was made for cartoon network cause as soon as the fighting stops the story and jokes are more like the stuff you'd find on that channel. But... this is a far better fit for Adult Swim then My Adventures with Superman which outside of some sexual tension, kind of felt out of place with the likes of ATHF, Morel Oral, Venture Bros, and Metalacolypse.
Fight Girl though isn't like those either. Its literally anime and would fit well along DBZ, Demon Slayer, or my hero acadimia. So if your looking for a better merging of western and eastern action this would be your jam.