Taking place after "True Vault Escapades", Walter and Bunny have moved on to pursue their investigative careers in New Vegas. Our new bi-weekly radio series begins HERE.
Today, Walter and Bunny plan to solve a string of exploding bars and saloons across the wasteland - possibly Legion connected. But not before meeting the team's newest ally, Sergeant Humphreys: an NCR soldier who wants results.
Today, Walter and Bunny stumble upon a ranch - completely wiped out of life, and a dead ghoul at the scene connected to another nearby ranch family. What does a mysterious wedding ring have to do with it all?
Bunny is kidnapped. And Walter scrambles frantically to find her. Was Bunny taken by slavers? Why was her hair found on a mysterious ticket? And who exactly is Mister Casket?
Walter, Humphreys, and Dusty frantically search for Bunny after she survives a fatal shooting in a fancy socialite wasteland book club for women. Why does the owner of this book club blame the King's gang for the shooting?
n this mysterious episode, our detectives get involved with a grieving Brotherhood field scribe who survived a fatal vertibird crash. And he wants to know why it happened.
Walter and Bunny take a rare post-war cruise on the Gulf of Mexico, and after a series of storms, patrons begin disappearing. Is it really a conspiracy by the staff? Could it be orchestrated by the captain himself?
Bunny crashes the car. But she ends up in the mysterious town of Eladna; a place shrouded with friendly smiles and an uneasy atmosphere. What could Eladna be hiding?
A mob boss's organized hit goes wrong, and Walter and Bunny are called to action. Listen in as the duo chase the gangsters and search for answers in the season finale of The Strip.