For the first time ever, True Vault Escapades begins a season with a brand-new story and cast of characters. Meet Cage: a self-discharged Brotherhood of Steel Knight who took on the role of a mercenary.
Now on the move, Cage decides to spend his first night of travel in the company of his former Paladin, William Burns, and his newly-formed Raider gang.
Upon meeting an elderly couple in a seemingly cozy swamp, a pack of unknown creatures make themselves known by viciously attacking the group in overwhelming waves.
As Cage's journey takes him back through Marfa, the mercenary reminisces on his final days spent in The Brotherhood there. His stroll down memory lane wouldn't be all to await the old soldier.
A plan for a simple meeting goes awry when Cage is ambushed by an angry band of legion soldiers and forced to complete a task for them: hunt down and capture an NCR Colonel - all while strapped with an explosive collar.
Whilst traversing an icy landscape, Cage's journey is delayed when a lone sniper declares war on him. With hardly any weapons left, Cage is forced to take a chance by facing the sniper head-on.
Cage meets a very welcoming and hospitable tribe in the desert. What he thought would be a rare night to sleep without fear, would end up being the most eye-opening evening of his life.