When a wealthy family's daughter goes missing after a night on the town, Walter and Bunny split up to find her whereabouts. However, the Children of Atom won't let her go so lightly.
A case once thought closed, reopens, as one of Walter and Bunny's old enemies returns from the shadows. With the detective pair both separated and in danger, how will all roads lead to a shallow grave?
When a devious villain pushes a new super-chem on the Vegas streets, Walter and Bunny team up with none other than the Silver Shroud himself. But the partnership won't be easy, as both parties have starkly different definitions of justice.
After Allen's escape in chapter one, our detective team struggles to track down the whereabouts of the mad mercenary. Little do they know, Allen isn't exactly running for hills.
With Walter, Bunny and Humphreys captured by Doogin, Allen brokers a deadly deal with the Van Graff family. In the meantime, Synthia makes a daring escape from a legion attack.
With looming pressure from the NCR, Walter, and Bunny, and now the Van Graffs, Allen Marks makes an even more desperate attempt to crack the legend of the star, but he isn't alone.
In this final chapter, the legend finally gets discovered - but not without a fight. While Walter interrogates the NCR mole, Bunny heads to the strip to protect a Vegas starlet and her manager from Allen.
In an alternate universe, a mysterious woman named Bunny approaches detective Walter Camry in 1958. When a simple request to find a missing celebrity goes awry, the two would find themselves beyond the point of no return.