Pixels (2015)
Adam Sandler: Brenner
Sam Brenner : We have something better than light cannons! We have a positive can-do attitude!
Ludlow Lamonsoff : [sighing, reassured] Ah!
Sam Brenner : I'm kidding, we're all gonna die. I'm just... sorry.
Professor Iwatani : Pac-Man is not bad. You'll see.
Sam Brenner : Professor Iwatani, what are you doing?
Professor Iwatani : I will talk to him, he's my son.
[to Pac-Man]
Professor Iwatani : Hello, my sweet, little boy. Look how big you've grown.
Ludlow Lamonsoff : That's so sweet, he's so sweet.
Professor Iwatani : I know, you're a good boy.
[Pac-Man bit his hand into pixels, then he and the genius scream]
Professor Iwatani : Somebody kill this stupid bitch!
Matty : Classics you mean Halo and Call of Duty?
Sam Brenner : No. The real classics. Defender. Pac-man. Astroids. Games you play in an arcade which was a building outside of your house. You would go there with your friends, listen to music, cute girls everywhere. In ancient times, they call it 'socializing'.
Sam Brenner : Hello. I am a nerd from the Nerd Brigade. Here to nerd out on all your audio and visual needs.
Matty : Do you have to say that every time you showed up by the house?
Sam Brenner : If I wanna get paid, yes.
Matty : Isn't it kind of demeaning?
Sam Brenner : Only if someone brings that up.
Matty : Ehh. Well, I won't bring it up then.
Sam Brenner : Thanks.
Sam Brenner : Whoa. She went from zero to psycho in 3.4 seconds; a new world record.
[Donkey Kong appears on top of the platform]
Sam Brenner : Donkey Kong.
[Donkey Kong rolls a barrel down]
President Will Cooper : It's just a barrel. How bad can it hurt?
[Donkey Kong throws down a blue barrel to the oil drum that explodes]
Sam Brenner : We got this, if we don't, the world ends.
Sam Brenner : [after Proffesor Iwatani gets hand bitten off by Pac-Man] That was some twisted Pinocchio-Geppetto stuff!
Sam Brenner : I was supposed to have a baby with my ex-wife. And the doctor who was helping us make the baby did help us make the baby but unfortunately I wasn't in the room.
Sam Brenner : Why didn't you call me then?
Ludlow Lamonsoff : Because the CIA has been tapping my phones ever since I found out the Zapruder film has been edited, JFK shot first.
Sam Brenner : Ludlow, it is you.
Sam Brenner : Pac-Man's a bad guy?
Eddie Plant : [Talking about Q-Bert] Can I kill it?
Sam Brenner : You can't kill Q-Bert! You gotta talk to it, get to know it better. Then kill it!
Sam Brenner : [Rescuing Violet] Grab onto my mighty hammer!
Violet : You loved saying that.
Sam Brenner : Yes, I did.
[Sam aims the hammer at Donkey Kong]
Sam Brenner : I've been waiting to do this since 1982!
[Throws hammer at Donkey Kong and kills him]
Ludlow Lamonsoff : I believe that some alien life-force, has sent real life video games, to attack us.
[Scene cuts to Pac-Man attacking the firefighters truck]
Sam Brenner : [Thinks for 4 seconds] That makes sense.
Sam Brenner : Is it your birthday?
Matty : No. My parents are getting a divorce.
Sam Brenner : Oh. So it's like 10 birthdays.
Violet : [Addressing Sam Brenner] Why are you following me?
Sam Brenner : Oh God!
Violet : I can't believe they even let you in here.
Sam Brenner : Right.
President's Assistant Jennifer : Colonel Van Patten, you can go right into the Situation Room.
Violet : Yeah. See, they need me in the Situation Room, so have fun doing whatever you're doing.
President's Assistant Jennifer : Mr. Brenner. The president is waiting for you in the Oval Office.
Sam Brenner : [In a derisive tone of voice] Somebody's more important.
[Moonwalks and addresses a member of the presidential detail while looking at Violet]
Sam Brenner : Freddie, can you keep the riff-raff outta here?
Eddie Plant : I made your game my bitch!
Professor Iwatani : What is ... "bitch"?
Sam Brenner : Don't worry 'bout it. He's a criminal
Eddie Plant : Let's hit it!
[a chase begins in their cars as ghosts as Pac-Man moves around the city]
Sam Brenner : Pac-Man's faster than I remember.
Eddie Plant : Pac-Man's always been faster than the ghost. We're gonna have to outmaneuver.
[the chase continues until they got Pac-Man cornered]
Ludlow Lamonsoff : We got him! He's got nowhere to go!
[Pac-Man moves and eats a power pellet, causing the cars as ghosts to turn deep blue]
Sam Brenner : Oh, god, no!
Sam Brenner : I learned a lot of big words at the dorm room drug parties.
Sam Brenner : For the record, I'm an amazing kisser. All us nerds are, cause we appreciate it more.
Violet : You didn't even brush your teeth this morning!
Sam Brenner : I ate a Tic Tac!
Sam Brenner : We have to take the battle to them.
Brenner : [chasing after a rogue centipede] It's been 30 years since I kicked your butt, and It's gonna happen again!