User Reviews (2)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Includes plot spoiler at 38 minutes into film.

    Kevin Black (Christian Ackerman/ writer/ director/producer/ director of photography/ guy who brought the donuts in) is a detective with the NYPD. He is after a serial killer. His wife (Danielle Ackerman) is killed early in the script as we follow what appears to be a descent into madness with black and white filming and camera filters...or was that Vaseline on the lens? The next thing you know we are subjected to torture as Dr. Kaufman (Josh Meny) shows us why he should never be in films. He was OMG bad. We read on the bulletin board about "memory transplants" and now we know the rest of the story.

    The film presents an old idea in a different way. Unfortunately no one could act and the dialogue was poorly written to make sure they looked bad had they thought about acting. The credits include a fairly cool song, one that would have worked well during the picture, that they chose not to do. And what was with that bad phonograph? Was this supposed to be camp? Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity. Difficult undertaking for a $1,000 IMDb budget. A for effort. D results. Not recommended for anyone not named Ackerman.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Everything is bad about TERROR VORTEX, an unconvincing indie thriller that attempts to present a detective story on a non-existent budget. After a lot of padding and bumbling around from the no-name cast, this turns into a science fiction film of sorts, with mind manipulation and the like discussed. It's so badly written that it makes little sense and the picture quality is the worst I've seen, looking like something unpleasant was smeared over the lens.