In 2024's "Immaculate" we are introduced to the young nun named Cecilia who is portrayed by Sydney Sweeney. She is the main selling point for this movie with her remarkable rise in Hollywood right now. It's also interesting how this movie was made because Sweeney auditioned for this movie in 2014 but the project never materialized. Now that she is a big name in Hollywood, she reached out to the writer and went on to produce this movie with her in the leading role. I love that she is so dedicated to making a horror movie and a project she was certainly passionate about. And you could tell because her acting is really great and even though it was hard seeing her as a nun at first, she did the great job bringing her character to life. Although I find it a little weird that even in a movie about a nun, we somehow get to see her naked multiple times because she can't seem to leave her clothes on. Not a complaint but more of an observation.
The movie went in a different direction than I initially expected it to go which was a nice surprise. On the other hand it is really predictable and you immediately know where the threat lurks. There are some cheap jump scares in this but also some rather suspenseful moments that kept the tension high. The movie also looks pretty decent and overall entertains. But just like this review mainly focuses on Sydney Sweeney herself, the movie does too. Like I said she is the main selling point and the most memorable thing in an otherwise rather generic film that would be forgotten about easily. [5,7/10]