The series shows that Phil Coulson's personal car, Lola, can fly. In the S.H.I.E.L.D. comics, flying cars supplied by Stark Industries have been standard vehicles for the organization since 1967.
Several episodes from the first season establish the origins of several long-running Marvel characters. For example, Franklin Hall introduced in episode three, The Asset (2013), who becomes the supervillain, Graviton, and Donnie Gill in episode twelve, Seeds (2014), who becomes Blizzard, one of the foes of Iron Man.
The information given about San Juan, Puerto Rico, is accurate. Even the legend regarding "La Garita del Diablo" (The Devil's Sentry Box) is correct. Still today, no one dares to get inside of it, although it's closed to the public anyway. Also, the place marks one of the vertices of the Bermuda Triangle.
The character of Scorch is actually a mutant in Marvel comics, but since Twentieth Century Fox, at the time, owned the rights to use the term mutants in Marvel properties, his status was alluded to slyly by using the slang terms used for mutants in the comics like "gifted" and "special".
At first, Chloe Bennet thought her character would become She-Hulk. Tatiana Maslany ended up being cast as the character in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022).