195 of 245 found this severe
Pervasive & graphic sex with explicit full nudity is featured throughout including vivid threesomes, orgies, masturbation, voyeurism & detailed homosexual acts.
Sex is a theme that is important to the plot, as a shared experience to the Sense8. One of the Sense8 is an openly trans woman in a relationship with a woman. Sex scenes between them are explicit. Another Sense 8 is a closeted gay man in a relationship that he hides from the public. Sex scenes with his partner and orgies scenes through the shared experiences shows explicit nudity. There's a sexual relationship between a married Sense8 woman and a single Sense8 man. She is very conservative but allows the shared experience with his Sense8 lover when she has sex with her husband, so there are scenes of a "virtual" threesome.
A woman is seen lying naked in a bath. Her breasts are seen.
A man and a woman have sex, his buttocks and her breasts are seen.
Episode 4 (What's Going On): A woman wakes up to people having sex in the room next door.
A woman walks through a brothel and sees women and men in various states of undress. Breasts are seen.
A woman is seen taking a shower. Her buttocks and the side of one breast are seen.
Episode 5 (Art Is Like Religion): A man is swimming naked in a pool. We see his buttocks and other naked people of both genders in the pool area (slightly obscured, some buttocks can be seen). We see his penis as he swims in the water. After a couple of minutes the man comes out of the pool naked. The camera focuses on his penis and then pans up to his face. We then see him fully naked from behind as he is in front of a crowd.
On a birthday card, we can see a naked man with an enlarged fake penis that he is carrying over his shoulder.
Episode 6 (Demons): A man is sitting in a hot tub naked and we see his penis under the water. A naked woman joins him. We see her breasts and pubic area.
49 of 87 found this moderate
TV-MA violence type: blood and brutal.
There is fist/martial arts scattered lightly in the show, most which doesn't involve blood.
One character is an action movie actor, we see several scenes of the violent 'tv show' throughout the show, which often includes gunplay and blood.
At the beginning, we see a character commit suicide, light blood splatter.
A character is shot off-camera, we see his bloody wound several times.
In a shootout, several people are shot, some with bloody outcomes.
In a prolonged scene, a character is tortured by having a bag held against her face several times.
In episode 7, the violence intensifies. We witness a man's hands cut off with a clever, very bloody.
Later in episode 7, a man is shot with a shotgun in slow-motion, very bloody but brief.
A character believes in beating a woman in order for her to show respect.
50 of 92 found this moderate
Strong language is moderately used by some characters, while others may use it more frequently. F* is regularly used in every episode.
C* is used once in episode 3
Some name calling such as "bitch"
Boys can be seen harassing another boy asking him if he's "got wood"
46 of 85 found this moderate
Severe heroin use by one character, seen in explicit scenes. The consequences of heroin addiction are never discussed. The immediate consequences of heroin use are barely discussed. Heroin withdrawl is not seen nor discussed.
One character is alcoholic.
Characters are seen smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.
We witness the negative effects of drugs at the beginning when a character is seen in withdrawal.
A character is seen smoking hash on several occasions through an electronic device, similar to a e-cigarette.
Several characters smoke DMT through a glass pipe in one episode, we see the positive effects of this and it is even discussed.
A group of characters use ecstacy
One character is a drug dealer.
A character is seen taking multiple shots of tequila
Some characters are seen taking a smoke break
48 of 80 found this moderate
A woman gives birth after having a car accident, and she is in a frozen area after a winter storm. It is very sad and might disturb some people as some people die in this scene.
Throughout the series physical restraint is used in medical settings with the intention of subjecting characters to grossly unethical procedures against their will. Some viewers may find this disturbing.
Within the show there is a side story of a woman who is beaten by her husband, stories are told in the beginning but bruises are visible later on in the series.