When Rey first meets BB-8, she notices one of its antenna is bent. She removes it, straightens it, and reinstalls it. It appears to be a black and metallic The next cut show the now straight antenna, but it is covered in a white coating or jacket/cover. This change happens several times during the movie.
In the section of the film set on the planet Takodana, Finn is given a blaster from Han Solo. Finn is seen carrying the weapon with him at all times leading up to the scene where Maz Kanata gives Luke Skywalker's lightsaber to Finn in order to deliver it to Rey. In this scene, the blaster can still be seen strapped to his back. However, in the next sequence, as the characters escape from the rubble of the cantina, Finn emerges with no blaster and only the lightsaber. He then turns to Maz and complains about needing a weapon, to which she implies the lightsaber is all he really needs. But what happened to the blaster?
When Poe Dameron is passed out in the interrogation chair and he awakens, he has a small open wound on his right cheek. As the scene progress with the interrogation by Kylo Ren, this wound heals up quickly. It is almost gone by the time he gets to the TIE fighter.
When the rathtars begin attacking, in a shot of Han looking down the corridor, one of the Kanjiklub members is running through a doorway whilst running from the rathtar. The camera cuts to a closer shot of them running from the rathtar, and the same Kanjiklub member can be seen running through the doorway a second time.
When Snoke orders, "If what you say about this girl is true, bring her to me," Kylo Ren is wearing his hooded cape. It cuts to Rey restrained in the holding cell, and when it cuts back to Kylo Ren rushing to the holding cell to get Rey and bring her to Snoke his cape is gone. After Rey uses the Force to trick the guard, it cuts back to Kylo Ren arriving at the cell and he's once again wearing his hooded cape.
When Finn looks up at the sky while on Takodana, he observes the real time use of the First Order's Starkiller weapon, which is being used against a number of Republic Planets. Han also looks up and sees the planets' outlines in the sky. Given that this weapon was being fired from a different star system (with the star of that system providing the power), there is no way for Finn or Han to be able to observe light from the weapon in real time, as the light source would be many light years away. Also, they are supposedly in a different star system to that of the republic planets that were the target of the weapon, therefore there should have been nothing for our protagonists to see at all.
In the opening sequence, the camera pans down on a planet and moon that are three-quarters lit in sunlight (with the sun being far off-camera to the left). A battlecruiser then crosses the images as a silhouette, eclipsing the planet and moon in total blackness. Impossible. The battlecruiser should have been lit three-quarters in sunlight, same as the planet and the moon. Stranger yet, as the stormtrooper shuttles are deployed and cross over the battlecruiser silhouette, the shuttles are illuminated.
When Rey steals the Millennium Falcon on Jakku, her attempts to evade the TIE fighters result in small condensation trails similar to those produced by aircraft wingtip vortices. In reality, this visible condensation only happens in extremely humid environments. It certainly would not happen in the utterly arid climate of Jakku.
There's a typo in the end credits - an extra S in "3rd Asssistant."
Han, Finn, and the others watch from Takodana as the Starkiller Base destroys the Republic's stronghold in the Hosnian star system. But that's in a different star system light years away, meaning they shouldn't have been able to see the light from that destruction until years later.
When the Millennium Falcon is being pursued by TIE fighters on Jakku, a hit jams the bottom gun in the forward position, which forces Rey to pilot the Falcon in a front flip in order for Finn to aim the gun properly. While this was necessary in one sense, in another sense the Falcon has two gun batteries, and an earlier shot establishes that the top turret is still attached to the Falcon. Barring an unstated technical reason, there's no reason why Finn couldn't have gone to the top turret to finish off the last TIE fighter. The ship was still flying in Jakku's atmosphere. Therefore artificial gravity hadn't been activated. As was shown with BB-8 being tossed around the ship. So while Rey was flying the ship evasively, it would have been very dangerous and nearly impossible for Finn to climb to the other turret.
If the Starkiller weapon is able to siphon the matter contained in an entire star then it would not need to fire to destroy an enemy planet. Removing even a portion of the mass of a star would disrupt the orbits of all the planets in a star system and that would be sufficient to accomplish their destruction. However, the point of the Starkiller Base was for it to be able to fire on a target many light years away (unlike the Death Star which had to virtually be in orbit of a planet it was about to destroy).
Han and Rey talk about how quickly the Millennium Falcon can make the Kessel Run. Rey thought that it managed it in 14 parsecs and Han corrects her to 12. In fact, a parsec is a unit of distance equal to approximately 31 trillion kilometers, and not a measure of time. The Kessel Run is actually a smugglers route with a distance of 18 parsecs, for the sake of avoiding imperial checkpoints. Han managed to shorten the route in distance down to 12 parsecs risking getting caught.
In Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) when Luke and Han use the weapons in the Millennium Falcon the gun turrets are mounted from the top of the gunners but in The Force Awakens when Finn uses his turret it is mounted from the bottom.
The turrets in A New Hope were always on the top and the bottom of the ship. Han and Luke approaching them was an error of the original movie.
The turrets in A New Hope were always on the top and the bottom of the ship. Han and Luke approaching them was an error of the original movie.
Both Maz and Ren talk about Luke's lightsaber being Luke's and his father's before him. Luke lost his father's light saber on Cloud City when Vader cut off his hand in Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980). In Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) he made a new one and it was green, not blue as his father's original one was. However, it is clear that the original blue lightsaber was somehow recovered from Cloud City by means unknown (even Maz herself states that it is an explanation for another time).
When Rey exchanges the scavenged parts at scrap yard the very first time, she gets one quarter portion from the vendor which as shown on screen contains 3 green parts and some white powder. But when she goes for exchange next time along with BB-8, the vendor says to give half portion but Rey collects exact same amount as the quarter portion she got the last time.
When Finn takes Rey's hand and they run out of the tent they met in, they run past the same bystanders twice, in subsequent shots seen from two different angles. Most noticeably they run past the red robed individual identified as 'Sarco Plank' in both shots.
While Poe leads the aerial assault on the oscillator, in the closeups of Poe and other X-wing fighter pilots, note the cockpit windows at the pilots' left and right have identical marks and scratches in their individual X-wings. It's particularly noticeable when one closeup follows another.
When Finn first arrives at the Resistance base on D'Qar, six Resistance troopers run towards the camera. A moment later, they pass Finn again, this time moving away from the camera. As Poe gets out of his X-Wing, a long haired young man runs past carrying two boxes. The same man with the boxes runs past Poe once more when Dameron greets BB-8. Immediately after that, two pilots, one of whom has short white hair, run past Finn twice. Finally, a group of three pilots run past Poe before he reunites with Finn, and when the two of them are talking, the same three pilots casually stroll by in the same direction as before.
When Kylo Ren force pushes Rey into a tree, Finn runs to her aid. Rey is supposed to be unconscious, but when Finn lifts her head to check on her, you see Rey lift her leg to a more comfortable position.
When Rey is climbing down the wall in the Starkiller base, with Stormtroopers marching above, the sound of marching feet is heard, but the Stormtroopers are not in step, and their footfalls do not match the sound effects.
During the attack on the junkyard settlement, Finn, Rey, and BB-8 flee the planet in the Millennium Falcon, which they steal from a junkyard. Despite being in a junkyard and not having flown in years, the ship in unsecured, the ramp is open, it powers up immediately, and the gun/cannon on the bottom is charged and ready for use. Being in a junkyard, it is highly unlikely the ship would even be intact, much less immediately ready for flight. And if it were ready for flight, it wouldn't be left open and unsecured for anyone to simply walk in and fly it away, especially on a planet of scavengers.
There is no explanation as to the origins of the First Order: when, and by whom, it was founded; nor how it became the monolithic war machine that it currently is.
Many fans complained about how in The Force Awakens, Rey defeated Kylo Ren despite the latter training in The Force for many years under Luke and Snoke, while Rey just discovered that she had The Force without prior training on it. Rise of Skywalker tries to retcon that by saying Rey won due to being Palpatine's grand-daughter, however such eugenics doesn't work with how previous films worked. Also is unknown how many midichlorians Palpatine had.
For example in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker had more midichlorians than Obi-wan Kenobi, and despite of that Kenobi defeated Anakin in his prime in Mustafar. Do it still would be a plot-hole in The Force Awakens.
For example in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker had more midichlorians than Obi-wan Kenobi, and despite of that Kenobi defeated Anakin in his prime in Mustafar. Do it still would be a plot-hole in The Force Awakens.
All TIE fighters shown are perfectly capable of combat with only one person in the cockpit. For the one Poe and Finn steal for their escape, however, Poe needs Finn as a gunner.
Nien-Nunb destroyed the second Death Star as Lando's co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon. However, despite this younger pilot Poe Dameron is his superior in rank at the chain of command of the X-wing Squadron of ships. Nien-Nunb's heroics aren't even mentioned once, and Nien-Nunb is shown to be less skilled than Poe in this film. Other than surviving, Nien-Nunb isn't shown to be any better than the other pilots.
Poe mentions never having piloted a TIE fighter before. Less than a minute later, he describes the gunner's control gear without ever having seen one. He shouldn't know it this much, if he never sat in a ship of this type before.