168 of 193 found this to have none
When Rey first meets with Moz in the tavern there are a couple of tavern prostitutes without shirts, only wearing less than average size undergarments in the background. Bare back and abdomen exposed briefly.
98 of 151 found this moderate
A man is injured by another character (cuts open his back) and he is seen unconscious for the rest of the movie.
At the start of the movie the stormtrooper: FN-2187 has blood over his helmet
Characters duel with lightsabers with the intent of killing each other.
A village is wiped out by uniformed combatants.
A uniformed combatant is shot, and as he dies, he leaves a bloody handprint on the helmet of one of his team members.
Several characters are held against their will and telepathically tortured to the point of extreme pain or exhaustion.
Numerous uniformed combatants are shot and fall down throughout the film. The presumption is that they are dead.
Several fights or melee assaults occur where characters are struck in the face, body and legs.
There are numerous scenes with chases or dogfights between the spacecrafts of the Resistance and the First Order.
91 of 158 found this mild
Two uses of "hell," and one use of "damn" respectively.
86 of 137 found this to have none
In a cantina scene there is some exotic drinks that could potentially be alcoholic.
76 of 149 found this moderate
During the intro, we can see a couple of stormtroopers firing at the village populace under orders from Captain Phasma.
Kylo Ren has a fit and destroys a control/surveillance area in one scene.