Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Poster

Anthony Daniels: C-3PO



  • Poe Dameron : There's writing on it.

    C-3PO : Perhaps I can translate. Oh! The location of the wayfinder has been inscribed upon this dagger. It's the clue that Master Luke was looking for.

    Poe Dameron : And?

    Rey : Where's the wayfinder?

    C-3PO : I am afraid I cannot tell you.

    Poe Dameron : 20.3 fazillion languages and you can't read that?

    C-3PO : Oh, I have read it, sir. I know exactly where the wayfinder is. Unfortunately, it is written in the runic language of the Sith.

    Rey : So what?

    C-3PO : My programming forbids me from translating it.

    Poe Dameron : So you're telling us the one time we need you to talk, you can't?

    C-3PO : Irony, sir. I am mechanically incapable of speaking translations from Sith. I believe the rule was passed by the Senate of the Old Republic...

  • C-3PO : In the event I don't make it back, I want you to know you've been a real friend, R2. My best one, in fact.

  • Poe Dameron : What are you doing there, 3PO?

    C-3PO : Taking one last look, sir. At my friends.

  • C-3PO : Oh, my. A hex charm.

    Poe Dameron : A what?

    C-3PO : A common emblem of Sith loyalists.

    Rey : Sith.

    Finn : This was Ochi's?

    Poe Dameron : Luke sensed it. Ochi never left this place.

    Finn : And he ended up down here.

    Poe Dameron : He was headed for his ship. Same thing happened to us, happened to him.

    Finn : So how did Ochi get out?

    Rey : He didn't.

  • C-3PO : [after his memory is temporarily wiped]  I am C-3PO, human/cyborg relations. And you are?

    Poe Dameron : Okay, that's gonna be a problem.

  • [being chased by two Jet Troopers] 

    C-3PO : Oh! They fly now!

    Finn : They fly now?

    Poe Dameron : They fly now.

  • Poe Dameron : Move your metal ass, Threepio.

    C-3PO : [his memory has been briefly erased]  How dare you! We've just met.

  • Poe Dameron : The inscription that was on the dagger is in your memory?

    C-3PO : Yes, Master Poe. But the translation from a forbidden language cannot be retrieved. That is, short of a complete redacted memory bypass.

    Finn : A complete what?

    C-3PO : It's a terribly dangerous and sinful act performed on unwitting droids by dregs and criminals.

    Finn : Let's do that!

    Poe Dameron : I know a black market droidsmith.

    C-3PO : Black market droidsmith?

    Poe Dameron : But he's on Kijimi.

    Finn : What's wrong with Kijimi?

    Poe Dameron : I had a little bad luck on Kijimi.

  • Poe Dameron : That's an old craft ID. That's Luke Skywalker's X-Wing.

    C-3PO : It's transmitting course marker signals on its way to the Unknown Regions.

    Finn : It's Rey. She's going to Exegol. She's showing us. She's showing us how to get there.

    Poe Dameron : Then we go together.

  • Rey : You were right before. I'm gonna pick up Luke's search for Exegol. I'm gonna start where his trail went cold. The Forbidden Desert of Pasaaana.

    Poe Dameron : Yeah, I know. We're going with you.

    [heading into the Falcon] 

    Poe Dameron : Chewie, you get that compressor fixed?

    Rey : I need to go alone.

    Finn : Yeah. Alone with friends.

    Rey : It's too dangerous, Finn.

    Finn : We go together.

    C-3PO : [Chewie howls and BB-8 chirps]  I wholeheartedly agree.

  • C-3PO : This is General Lando Calrissian.

    Rey : We know who he is, 3PO.

  • Poe Dameron : Babu, can you make him translate it?

    Zorii Bliss : [interpreting]  Yes. But it will cause a complete...

    C-3PO : A complete memory wipe.

    Poe Dameron : Wait, wait, wait. We make him translate it, he won't remember... anything?

    Babu Frik : [in English]  Droid, memory go blank.

    C-3PO : Oh!

    Babu Frik : Blank, blank.

    C-3PO : There must be some other way.

    Finn : Doesn't R2 back up your memory?

    C-3PO : Oh, please. R2's storage units are famously unreliable.

    Rey : You know the odds better than any of us. Do we have a choice?

  • D-O : What is that?

    Rey : It's the Death Star. It's a bad place from an old war.

    Poe Dameron : It's gonna take us years to find what we're looking for.

    C-3PO : Oh, dear.

    Rey : [remembering the dagger's translation]  "Only this blade tells."

  • C-3PO : Oh, hello. I am C-3PO, human/cyborg relations. And you are?

    [R2 chirps] 

    C-3PO : What?

    [R2 chirps again] 

    C-3PO : Well, I am quite certain I would remember if I had a best friend.

    [R2 chirps a third time] 

    C-3PO : You want to put what in my head? Under no circum...

    [a few moments later, R2 withdraws an electronic arm from 3PO's head] 

    C-3PO : Memory restoration complete. R2, have you heard? I am going with Mistress Rey on her very first mission.

    [R2 chirps] 

    C-3PO : I already have?

  • Poe Dameron : What is this?

    C-3PO : The Aki-Aki Festival of the Ancestors. The celebration occurs once every 42 years.

    Finn : [dryly]  Well, that's lucky.

    C-3PO : Lucky indeed. This festival is known for both its colorful kites and its delectable sweets.

  • C-3PO : [translating an alien language]  She is saying "welcome." Her name is Nambi Ghima.

    Rey : That's an excellent name. I'm Rey.

    C-3PO : [translating again]  She would be honored to know your family name, too.

    Rey : I don't have one. I'm just Rey.

  • C-3PO : Exegol does not appear on any star chart. But legend describes it as the hidden world of the Sith.

  • Poe Dameron : We've only got eight hours left. So what are we gonna do?

    Finn : What can we do? We gotta go back to base.

    Poe Dameron : We don't have time to go back. We are not giving up. If we do that, Chewie died for nothing.

    Finn : Poe, Chewie had the dagger.

    Poe Dameron : Well, then we gotta find another way.

    Finn : Well, there isn't. That was the only clue to the wayfinder thing, and it's gone.

    C-3PO : So true. The inscription lives only in my memory now.

  • Poe Dameron : [after sinking through quicksand]  Rey! Finn!

    C-3PO : You didn't say my name, sir, but I'm all right.

  • C-3PO : The Emperor's wayfinder is in the Imperial vault. At delta 3-6, transient 9-3-6, bearing 3-2, on a moon in the Endor system. From the southern shore. Only this blade tells. Only this blade tells.

    Finn : The Endor system. Where the last war ended?

  • C-3PO : [helping repair the Falcon after it crash-lands]  What a dreadful situation. Is every day like this for you people? Madness.

    Poe Dameron : [to Chewie]  Did we ever find his volume control?

  • Poe Dameron : [escaping from Jet Troopers]  Did we lose 'em?

    Finn : Looks like it!

    C-3PO : Excellent job, sir!

    [a stormtrooper appears on a speeder in front of them and opens fire] 

    C-3PO : Terrible job, sir!

  • Poe Dameron : I do not wanna know what made these tunnels.

    C-3PO : Judging by the circumference of the tunnel walls, there are numerous...

    Poe Dameron : I said I do not wanna know. Not.

  • Finn : What is this place?

    C-3PO : This isn't the afterlife, is it? Are droids allowed here?

  • Poe Dameron : What the hell is this?

    Rey : Sinking fields! Try to grab something!

    C-3PO : Will this agony ever end?

  • Poe Dameron : [surveying stormtrooper patrols on Kijimi]  They're everywhere. All right, I know what we should do.

    C-3PO : So do I. We should leave.

    Poe Dameron : Clam it, 3PO.

  • Jannah : Rough landing.

    Poe Dameron : I've seen worse.

    Jannah : I've seen better. Are you Resistance?

    Poe Dameron : That depends.

    Jannah : We picked up a transmission from someone named Babu Frik.

    C-3PO : Babu Frik? Oh, he's one of my oldest friends.

  • Finn : All the information you need for an airstrike on Exegol.

    Poe Dameron : Yeah, except how to get there. Are you seeing these atmo readings?

    Finn : It's a mess out there. Magnetic crossfields.

    Rose Tico : Gravity wells, solar winds.

    Poe Dameron : How does a fleet even take off from there?

    C-3PO : [approaching]  Terribly sorry. I'm afraid R2's memory bank must be crossed with his logic receptors. He says he is receiving a transmission from... Master Luke.

  • Finn : How did Ochi get out?

    Rey : He didn't.

    Finn : No, he didn't.

    Poe Dameron : Bones. I don't like bones.

    C-3PO : Bones? Never a good sign.

  • C-3PO : You both make excellent points - at times.

  • C-3PO : If this mission fails, it was all for nothing. All we've done - all this time.

See also

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