Snap Wexley : We're getting reports of a raid at the Festival of Ancestors.
Leia Organa : This mission is everything. We cannot fail. Any word from Rey?
Snap Wexley : Falcon's not responding.
Rose Tico : Do you have to say it like that?
Snap Wexley : Like what?
Leia Organa : Do me a personal favor? Be optimistic.
Snap Wexley : Yes, ma'am. Uh, this is... This is terrific. You're not gonna believe how well this is gonna turn out. It's gonna be great.
Poe Dameron : Snap, they're on your tail!
Snap Wexley : No, I see it!
Poe Dameron : No, no, stop, stop!
[Tie fighter shoots X-Wing, Snap Wexley screaming and it explodes]
Poe Dameron : NO!
Pilot Tyce : The navigation tower has been deactivated.
Finn : What?
Snap Wexley : Those ships need that signal. It's gotta be coming from somewhere.
Poe Dameron : They figured out what we're doing. Call off the ground invasion!
Finn : [spotting a Star Destroyer] Wait. The nav signal's coming from that command ship. That's our drop zone.
Jannah : How do you know?
Finn : A feeling.