Shirley Henderson credited as playing...
Babu Frik
- Zorii Bliss: So long, sky trash!
- Poe Dameron: Who's that flyer?
- Zorii Bliss: Take a guess, spice runner.
- Babu Frik: [pops up] HEY!
- Poe Dameron: Zorii, you made it!
- Poe Dameron: Babu, can you make him translate it?
- Zorii Bliss: [interpreting] Yes. But it will cause a complete...
- C-3PO: A complete memory wipe.
- Poe Dameron: Wait, wait, wait. We make him translate it, he won't remember... anything?
- Babu Frik: [in English] Droid, memory go blank.
- C-3PO: Oh!
- Babu Frik: Blank, blank.
- C-3PO: There must be some other way.
- Finn: Doesn't R2 back up your memory?
- C-3PO: Oh, please. R2's storage units are famously unreliable.
- Rey: You know the odds better than any of us. Do we have a choice?