Kelly Marie Tran credited as playing...
Rose Tico
- Snap Wexley: We're getting reports of a raid at the Festival of Ancestors.
- Leia Organa: This mission is everything. We cannot fail. Any word from Rey?
- Snap Wexley: Falcon's not responding.
- Rose Tico: Do you have to say it like that?
- Snap Wexley: Like what?
- Leia Organa: Do me a personal favor? Be optimistic.
- Snap Wexley: Yes, ma'am. Uh, this is... This is terrific. You're not gonna believe how well this is gonna turn out. It's gonna be great.
- Poe Dameron: We've decoded the intel from the First Order spy and it confirms the worst. Somehow, Palpatine returned.
- Rose Tico: Wait, do we believe this?
- Colonel Aftab Ackbar: It cannot be. The Emperor is dead.
- Beaumont: Dark science. Cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew.
- Poe Dameron: He's been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years. The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known. He calls it the Final Order. In 16 hours, attacks on a free worlds begin. The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions. On a world called Exegol.
- Rose Tico: We think hitting the cannons might ignite the main reactors.
- Lando Calrissian: That's our chance.
- Beaumont: We need to pull some Holdo maneuvers. Do some real damage.
- Finn: Come on. That move is one in a million. Fighters and freighters can take out their cannons if there are enough of us.
- Nien Nunb: [in Sullustese] There aren't enough of us!
- Lieutenant Connix: He's right. We'd be no more than bugs to them.
- Finn: That's where Lando and Chewie come in. They'll take the Falcon to the Core Systems. Send out a call for help for anybody listening.
- Poe Dameron: We've got friends out there. They'll come if they know there's hope.
- [murmurs of disagreement]
- Poe Dameron: They will. First Order wins by making us think we're alone. We're not alone. Good people will fight if we lead them.
- Finn: As long as those Star Destroyers are on Exegol, we can hit 'em.
- Beaumont: Hit 'em how?
- Rose Tico: They can't activate their shields until they leave atmosphere.
- Poe Dameron: Which isn't easy on Exegol. Ships that size need help taking off. Nav can't tell which way's up out there.
- Pilot Tyce: So, how do the ships take off?
- Poe Dameron: They use a signal from a navigation tower like this one.
- Finn: Except they won't. Air team's gonna find the tower, ground team's gonna blast it.
- Pilot Vanik: Ground teams?
- Finn: I have an idea for that.
- Poe Dameron: Once the tower's down, the fleet will be stuck in atmo for just minutes, with no shields and no way out.
- Finn: All the information you need for an airstrike on Exegol.
- Poe Dameron: Yeah, except how to get there. Are you seeing these atmo readings?
- Finn: It's a mess out there. Magnetic crossfields.
- Rose Tico: Gravity wells, solar winds.
- Poe Dameron: How does a fleet even take off from there?
- C-3PO: [approaching] Terribly sorry. I'm afraid R2's memory bank must be crossed with his logic receptors. He says he is receiving a transmission from... Master Luke.
- Pilot Tyce: You wanna launch a ground invasion on a Star Destroyer?
- Finn: I don't want to, but we can't take out that ship's nav system from the air. Give us cover. We gotta keep that fleet there 'til help arrives.
- Rose Tico: We hope.
- Finn: We hope.