This is a sweet TV show about a high school girl who is secretly a superhero, and protects Paris with the help of a high school boy superhero. The fight are innocent and rely more on smarts than on violence. There's never any real harm done because all damage is magically repaired after a villain is defeated, and the villains are "de-evilized", so they can happily go back to their normal life.
We also follow the main character's life outside of superheroics, with a romantic quadrangle, since Marinette is in love with Adrien, a fellow student. She doesn't know that he is secretly Chat Noir and he doesn't know she is secretly Ladybug. In their superhero identities, it's Chat Noir who is in love with Ladybug. So they are both in love with each other, just in different identities.
The 3D animation is done surprisingly well, and it's perfectly suited to the cute nature of the show. It's all quite entertaining, and the main flaw is that all the episodes are basically more of the same. So, it's fluffy but enjoyable.