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  • Warning: Spoilers
    THE FINAL HAUNTING is a cheap haunted house indie flick made in Britain and shot in Wales. The only good thing I can say about it is that the actors are obviously into their craft and give some semi-decent performances, not of a professional standard, but they certainly try hard. Sadly, the plot is a mish-mash of genre tropes and staples, the narrative is slow and static, and there's no kind of character involvement to interest the viewer.
  • There is slow build, then there is the first 30 minutes of this film. Scenes run too long, some add little to nothing at all to the development of the film. From that point on, however, things pick up quickly. There is nothing new about the "is it real or is she psychologically deteriorating" storyline but it is done well here. Certainly worth a watch for horror fans who don't require easy answers or to be spoon fed jump scares, just don't give up before it gets going.