The Ochsenknecht family meets on Nino's and Cheyenne's farm in Austria for Natascha's birthday. Nino and Cheyenne recently became parents. But in the midst of the party an unexpected visitor arrives.
A surprise visit by the tax investigator crashed Natascha's birthday party on the farm in Austria but Jimi can solve the situation. Nearly as complex as this issue is Jimi's relationship status.
The whole family meets at Natascha's in Berlin. Cheyenne and Nino visit the Fashion Week, Wilson shoots a music video and for Jimi, the break-up with Yeliz is still the main topic.
Snow Elanie has arrived - Jimi became father and the question if he was present during childbirth is answered. Meanwhile, Natascha prepares the presentation of her first own fashion collection.
While Natascha is looking for a holiday home on Mallorca, the family plans to get revenge on Jimi for a prank. After her return, Natascha is making an appointment at the beauty doc.
Nino has a secret plan and only lets Natascha and Jimi in on it. While grandmother Natascha takes care of the little Mavie, Cheyenne and Nino travel to Lisbon. There, he wants to drop the question of all questions.