An obnoxious stagehand tells art director Akira Yoshimura that he'll be gone in two weeks. As of the movie's release in 2024, he the only person who has been with the show for the entirety of its run.
In the movie, Milton Berle tells Lorne Michaels he looks forward to hosting the show someday. Milton Berle hosted in Season 4 (Milton Berle/Ornette Coleman (1979)), but, at the time, Lorne Michaels considered it the worst episode they had done and held it out of syndication.
Early in the film, a box of "Colon Blow" is seen on a backstage desk. This is a reference to a later SNL commercial for "Colon Blow Cereal" featuring Phil Hartman (Season 15, 1989).
Due to feedback from eagle-eyed test audiences, CGI was used to correct the time displayed on clocks in the background of several scenes.