253 of 715 found this moderate
Explicit sexualized female nudity & monetized female sexuality is displayed in vivid sex scenes featuring a Female Sex Worker inclusive of male voyeurism. Nonsexual male rear nudity is seen only.
Graphic thrusting & audio is intensely depicted in Female Sex Work scenes.
209 of 266 found this severe
Man shown boiling alive, full view decapitation.
A man smashes his own head on a large metal pot to knock himself unconscious as he is is boiled alive.
Decapitations, very quick and little blood.
Many stabbings, several throats are slit, a few decapitations.
Horse gets hit by cannon, full view of blood flying.
Men and horses are killed by cannon fire that blows them apart. These shots occur in several scenes. The men and horses are ripped exposing organs and a lot of blood. Many men survive and their gored bodies with exposed entrails are seen before they are euthanized.
A quick duel happens where a character slices the fingers off his opponent so he can't draw his sword, and then slices his stomach.
A man slips and fatally hits the back of his head on a rock. Quite sudden and unexpected, with some blood.
Severe violence, with graphic, bloody violence and even gore.
95 of 207 found this moderate
Some harsh language. Multiple uses of "goddamn" in first episode. Multiple uses of the word "shit." The word "fuck" is said a few times. A few crude references to specific body parts.
Moderate coarse language, "fuck/fucking", "shit", "prick", "ass", "tits", "balls", "bastard", "goddamn", "bitch", etc.
97 of 210 found this mild
Two men drink a lot of sake together.
110 of 219 found this moderate
The scene where a man is boiled alive may be disturbing. He is very briefly shown with severely burned/melted skin on his face, and his screams are heard for several minutes in the background of other characters' scenes before he dies.
A character suddenly slips and fatally strikes his head on a rock. Not one of the most violent scenes in the show, it's a nighttime scene with some blood but not much detail, but happens very suddenly and unexpectedly. He struggles for a short time before dying. May be upsetting.