• Severe
  • A lot of one-on-one fighting, with many people killed by gunshot, stabbing, and bludgeoning. Blood from head wounds is shown only for a split second at a time, reducing the impact.
  • One massive 4 minute long continuous, bloody, gratuitous, violence free-for-all is shown in detailed closeup with so many obscenely graphic deaths that it is difficult to keep count.
  • Many groups of enraged people are shown seriously fighting each other, usually from a distance, and without obvious blood in most cases.
  • A ship blows up.
  • A man is splattered with goo. Very cartoonish and unrealistic.
  • The action is very stylized and over the top, but not graphic in many cases. When injury or blood is shown, it is usually only visible for a short while.
  • The church scene is horrific and very graphic. Very violent.
  • Should say moderate, not severe. Blood is only shown from gunshot wounds for split second intervals, and it is never detailed or constant. The movie as a whole is quite light on blood.
  • A man got sliced in half . Graphic but not too gruesome.
  • A tooth is knocked out of a man's mouth during a brawl and the camera follows it through the air in slow-motion.
  • People are shown in danger of drowning. One person appears to have drowned.
  • An animal is implicitly killed; we hear a gunshot. However, a later line implies that it was simply a blank.
  • The recruits have to jump from an airplane and land safely, which is hard for Roxy due to her fear of heights. Merlin announces that one of the recruits has no parachute, but in the end, this does not turn out to be true.
  • The recruits are drugged with Rohypnol and each of them wake up to find themselves on a train track and are each asked several questions to test whether they would die for the Kingsmen before almost getting run over by a train.
  • With Pomp and Circumstance playing in the background, dozens of world leaders and wealthy people have their heads detonated. With the exception of the final head in the scene, no blood or gore is shown.