116 of 348 found this moderate
Full female buttocks nudity & partial breast nudity is displayed within sexual contexts inclusive of a fully nude female shown laying in bed post sex & a fully nude female standing up in a tub to sexually distract men using her naked body. Females are also shown sexually & scantily clad in revealing bras, panties & lingerie with exposed bodies on display.
Two police officers discuss about a sexual abuse case.
Multiple mild to moderate sexual references throughout, a few instances are a little strong such as a man telling another man about a dog having sex with a woman
Sex scenes depict graphic thrusting including a male & female attempting to video tape in a few lengthy scenarios.
A man receives a hand job from a woman in a car. This lasts for about 10 seconds, no nudity
Implied BDSM a man is tied up and a woman suffocates him with a pillow off screen as the title card appears. No nudity mostly implications.
A man watches porn on his laptop that is never show, moaning is slightly audible. It is implied he was about to masturbate as his hands are under the table however he is interrupted by a phone call.
Infrequent moderate sex scenes
Explicit sex scene of a male at a Strip Club having sex with a female Stripper in the back that shows her nude breasts shaking while bent over & the male's bare rear as he penetrates from behind.
A bed is heard squeaking implying sex. We see the aftermath as a woman lays naked showing her nude body hear bare buttocks is shown for some amount of time.
118 of 146 found this severe
Shooting is the most common type of violence in the series. Some other examples are stabbings. All of these examples are almost always portrayed with varying degrees of blood letting. Corpses of deceased characters are sometimes shown, with some bloody imagery.
Season 1 and 3 have 1 or 2 instances of gory violence but the rest is quite tame. Season 2 has the most deaths but almost all of the violence is offscreen. Season 4 has a lot of shooting with some mild blood and one instance of a stabbing.
Season 1: Some people are shot offscreen. Violence is infrequent but when it happens, it can get somewhat bloody (but not graphic). The most violent scene in the season features a man killing his wife with a hammer. It is fully offscreen but the body is seen for a few seconds with bloody wounds. A scene shows a man snapping his bone back into place in his leg on screen although not graphic it maybe too much for squeamish people.
Season 3: Almost no bloody violence except for one graphic decapitation shown very briefly and a man removing glass from his neck and blood pours out. Other than that, there is some onscreen shooting but nothing graphic.
Season 2: A lot of shooting with bloody results, including a shootout where in a man is seen with a severed leg before being killed offscreen. A lot of characters are shot and killed mostly offscreen.
Season 4: Not very violent some shootings with some blood, most are offscreen. One instance has a man shot in the neck with an air rifle with lots of blood, another has a man stabbed to death mostly offscreen.
Season 1 is the most violent and gory.
Season 4 is the least violent.
The show mostly contains shootouts with some blood, most of the violence is delivered in a cartoony way almost inspired by westerns. Some of the more grisly and gory content may disturb some but is fairly rare.
Season 4: Violence is milder than other seasons. Shootings and stabbing shown frequently. There is a very graphic scene where a man shoots himself in the head, that is the worst violence shown.
63 of 125 found this moderate
Numerous occurences of "Christ" and "Jesus"--sometimes several in a single scene.
In season 1, a bully refers to Lester Nygaard as Lester Niggard
Season 5 contains the strongest language of the whole show.
Season 4: More use of language than the previous seasons with uses of "fuck", "negro" and "wop". These are heard a few times each episode never frequent.
Season 4 and 5 contain stronger language than the first 3 seasons.
One use of "Paki" in season 2.
Season 5: Same language as season 4 more uses of "fuck" and occasional uses of "cock".
Season 1: Occasional instances of "shit", "tits", "pussy", "piss" and others. No f words the strongest the language gets is a man says the N word once.
Season 2: Occasional uses of "shit". Other words such as "pussy", "goddammit", and "hell" are used throughout. No f words.
Season 3: Same language as previous seasons, uses of "shit", "piss", "asshole", "damn", "pussy", and others are heard throughout. Although there is one use of "cocksucker" and the word "fuck" is said 6 times, 4 unexpectedly in one scene, 2 more uses barely audible in another episode easy to miss.
60 of 110 found this mild
Characters use marijuana and are seen using it.
Season 2 and 3 features brief cocaine use. It's very infrequent and only in a few scenes.
Season 4 contains a little more drug use but still not excessive and still relatively tame and occurs only a few times.
Characters drink alcohol throughout and marijuana is used
70 of 116 found this severe
More suspenseful than the film and more violent. However, considering it's a series the violence is not as frequent.
The main antagonists are all terrifying people. Billy Bob Thornton and David Thewlis' characters especially .
Season 4 is a lot slower than the first 3 however still has some intense moments.
Rated TV-MA for strong violence and bloody images, some sexual content, language and drug use.
Extended threatening situations throughout.