The character of his wife should star in her own show, Wife Knows Best. Why not just make *her* the badass from Judicial who struts around threateningly and knows everything, instead of this weird dynamic. He went from shady scary guy to a paralyzed git who needs someoneto explain his own expertise to him. If only there was a name for that.. : The long and the short of it is someone OD'd on their Lady Macbeth pills when writing the scenes with Common and the wife, and overstepped. That man is not the man from season 1, who exuded malicious competence. Her experience as a guard could have been handled much better to dovetail with his. It's very boring to have every suggestion that she makes just blindly followed by him as if he's a noob, instead of their two experiences slowly being pitted against each other. Then we would wonder if they are going to actually ever cooperate or just grow further apart and maybe even one kills the other.