Naomi Scott credited as playing...
Skye Riley
- Paul Hudson: [Skye is looking at him] What?
- Skye Riley: What?
- Paul Hudson: What? Ah, Jesus Christ. Are you crying right now?
- Skye Riley: I-I'm not crying. Are you crying? Hm? Huh? Hey-Hey I'm fucking talking to you!
- [Paul turns on the music she turns it off]
- Skye Riley: Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck is wrong with you?
- Paul Hudson: What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?
- Skye Riley: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know Paul. Why don't you tell me since I can't do anything right.
- Paul Hudson: Jesus Christ! I swear.. I swear to fucking God you are so..
- Skye Riley: What, what, I'm so fucking what?.. Say it, say it, what am I? Tell me, I am so fucking...
- Paul Hudson: You're a fucking psycho!
- Skye Riley: Oh, yay!
- Paul Hudson: Yeah.
- Skye Riley: Psycho.
- Paul Hudson: And scumbag. You're fucking crazy.
- Skye Riley: I'll show you crazy
- Paul Hudson: Oh yeah?
- Skye Riley: You wanna fucking see crazy?
- [She smacks and while he's driving]
- Paul Hudson: Yeah, yeah, stop it
- Skye Riley: Fucking crazy?
- Paul Hudson: Stop it! What are you doing?
- Skye Riley: Huh?
- Paul Hudson: Stop, stop it!
- Skye Riley: Huh? Is it crazy?
- Paul Hudson: Yes, that is crazy! You fucking psycho! Jesus fucking Christ! I'm fucking driving!
- Skye Riley: I fucking hate you!
- Paul Hudson: Good! Good! Because I fucking hate you too! I fucking.. you crazy bitch!
- [He starts laughing]
- Paul Hudson: You psycho bitch!
- [He starts to fake cry]
- Paul Hudson: Aw, you gonna cry? Are you gonna cry now and oh God. Oh, you look so fucking ugly when you cry it's horrible, I can't..
- [he pretends to vomit]
- Paul Hudson: I can't..
- [he pretends to cry and vomit again]
- Paul Hudson: Help me God.
- [She immediately proves him right by angrily grabbing the steering wheel from him]
- Paul Hudson: What the fuck are you doing? What are you doing? Jesus!
- [They swerve off the road]
- Paul Hudson: OH MY GOD!
- [Skye almost runs over Morris]
- Morris: Jesus Christ! Christ, are you okay? Where are your shoes?
- Skye Riley: I don't have any. Here, take this.
- Morris: Why do you have a gun?
- Skye Riley: Just take it! Hey! If this theory of yours doesn't work or you see me change and start smiling, shoot me in the head.
- Morris: Whoa, whoa, hold on!
- Skye Riley: Hey! You need to stop it, no matter what.
- Morris: We're going to.
- Skye Riley: Promise me!
- Morris: All right! All right, I promise I'll shoot you.
- Skye Riley: How do we stop my heart?
- [They enter a building]
- Morris: Sorry I haven't done anything about the lights.
- Skye Riley: Is this a Pizza Hut?
- Morris: It's the only thing I could find for lease on short notice that had a large enough freezer.
- Skye Riley: Why do we need a freezer?
- Morris: For your brain.
- Skye Riley: Fuck.
- Morris: Once we stop your heart, your brain stops receiving oxygen. Normally, necrosis sets in immediately. You'd have two minutes maybe before permanent brain damage occurs, but if we bring your body temperature down far enough, we can delay the process, giving us up to nine minutes before permanent damage. We need to make sure this thing isn't able to hang around. And... I I like our odds with nine minutes better than two.
- [He opens freezer and puts a cinder block between the door so it doesn't close]
- Morris: the freezer door latch is broken. If it closes all the way, it can't be opened from the inside. Here. Change into this.
- [Hands her a hospital gown she takes off her hoodie revealing her shirt is covered in blood]
- Morris: Jesus, that's a lot of blood! Are--Are the cops gonna be looking for you?
- Skye Riley: I don't know. Let's just do this.
- Morris: Once your body temperature drops low enough, I will inject you with a drug that will cause your heart to start slowing down until it stops.
- Skye Riley: How long will it take?
- Morris: It's critical you reach flatline as fast as possible. So I'll need to inject it directly into your internal jugular. After 30 seconds... you'll be dead.
- Skye Riley: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Jugular, like in my neck? Let me see the needle.
- [He shows her the syringe]
- Skye Riley: What the fuck, man?
- Morris: I know. Sorry. Lie down here.
- [She lies down on the table]
- Skye Riley: Oh, my God. I'm so fucking cold.
- Morris: That's the idea. I'll be monitoring your heart rate. The moment you flatline, all start a timer for eight minutes. Once the timer is up, I will inject a dose of adrenaline into your heart and start CPR resuscitation.
- Skye Riley: I can't believe I might die in the freezer of a fucking Pizza Hut.
- Morris: I promise I'm gonna bring you back.
- Skye Riley: Morris? I'm sorry about your brother. I know that's why you're doing this. Thank you for helping me.
- Morris: Can I ask what made you change your mind?
- Skye Riley: Every good thing in my life... ends up broken because of me. I hurt everything and everyone I touch. It doesn't matter what happens to me anymore. But I will not let this fucking thing... use me to hurt anyone else.
- [Morris holds out a thermometer]
- Morris: Put this in your mouth. Don't move. I just have to get something.
- Skye Riley: Wait. Where--Where are you going? Wait.
- Morris: Thank you for agreeing to see me--
- [Skye takes a picture of him]
- Morris: Wait, what are you doing?
- Skye Riley: Sending a photo of you to my friend in case you're some kind of creep.
- Morris: What? I'm not a creep.
- Skye Riley: Yeah, that's what every creep says.
- Morris: Look, I realize you're super famous, and I invaded your privacy. I apologize. This is also very weird for me.
- Skye Riley: How do you know Lewis?
- Morris: I don't. I-- I didn't. I was trying to contact Lewis to warn him. Tracked down his address and went to his apartment. The front door was unlocked, and he was already dead inside. I checked his phone, and you were the last person he texted with.
- Skye Riley: W-What were you trying to warn him about?
- Morris: Look I'm aware that what I'm about to say is going to sound completely insane, but Lewis didn't kill himself. He was systematically infected, possessed and then murdered by some kind of metaphysical being.
- Skye Riley: What the fuck are you talking about?
- Morris: If it helps, you might call it a-- a spirit or a demon. Maybe. I have no clue what this thing is! But it disguises itself to look like people. Like smiling people. But only the person that's been infected by it can see it.
- Skye Riley: No, that's-- that's not real. That's some supernatural bullshit.
- Morris: But you've seen it, haven't you? That's why you're still sitting here.
- Skye Riley: I-- I don't know. I don't know what's happening. I feel like I'm losing my goddamn mind!
- Morris: That's precisely what this thing does to you. It's what it did to Lewis while it was latched on to him. It's like a parasite that infects the host through their mind. In less than a week, it drives the host insane. It's like it feeds off all the bad shit in their head, and then once it's done feeding, it forces the host to kill themselves in front of a witness. And then that witness becomes the new host. That's how you got it from Lewis. Before that it was passed to Lewis by a cop in Jersey. That cop was the first one I tried to contact, but I guess he went off the grid. That cop caught it from some doctor, who got it from a patient, who got it from a college professor. And the chain keeps going back. I've documented all of this. I can show you.
- Skye Riley: Why do you even know all of this?
- Morris: Because it killed my brother. My brother was a host eight people before you. He tried to tell me what was happening to him. But he made it hard to trust him, and the stuff he was saying sounded certifiably crazy. He begged me for help. But I didn't listen. And then a few days later... I got a call informing me that he tore his own jaw off with a crowbar.
- Skye Riley: Well, have you gone to the police?
- Morris: And say what? My brother's suicide was actually caused by some cosmic evil being that no one else can see? The police can't stop this thing anyway.
- Skye Riley: So I'm just supposed to wait until this thing kills me?
- Morris: No, I want you to help me destroy it.
- Skye Riley: How?
- Morris: From what I can tell, the chain stops when an infected host dies in some other way outside of the being's control. My guess is that, just like other parasites, without a living host it has no way to survive. It's ceases to exist.
- Skye Riley: So it only stops if--if I die before it kills me?
- Morris: Exactly. We need to kill you first.
- Skye Riley: What?
- Morris: Only technically. Look. There are ways that we can very safely stop your heart. That'll deprive it of a living host. Once it goes, I can resuscitate your heart and bring you back.
- Skye Riley: Are you out of your fucking mind?
- Morris: I know it seems extreme.
- Skye Riley: "Extreme"? You're asking to kill me!
- Morris: Whoa, hey. Just keep it down.
- Skye Riley: I don't even know you. I don't even know you!
- Morris: My name is Morris. I'm an ER nurse, and if we don't do this, it's gonna kill you like it killed Lewis and infect another victim. Look, I've already got everything prepared. We should just go now and get rid of this thing tonight.
- Skye Riley: I can't. I can't do this.
- Morris: You're nearly out of time! This thing has been feeding on you for three days already! It's already taking control of your brain, and pretty soon you won't even realize the ways it's manipulating you, and then it'll be too late to stop it. We have to go right now.
- Alfredo: [At the meet and greet, an obsessive fan Alfredo gets a picture with Skye] I'm a really big fan!
- Skye Riley: Ah, thanks for coming out.
- Alfredo: [turning to Skye] I can see you're sad on the inside.
- Skye Riley: Sorry, what?
- Alfredo: [Trembling but conniving, intercut with Skye's hesitance and asking Joshua: "Okay, thank you. Got it?"] I could make you, happy. We would be so happy, together. And you're so beautiful, you have the most, AMAZING, SKIN!
- Skye Riley: [pushes Alfredo away] Dude, get the fuck out!
- Alfredo: [Is escorted out by security as he shouts] SKYE! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU, SKYE! SKYE! SKYE! SKYE, I LOVE YOU!