The synopsis to Sam Dixon's short film runs like this " Teenager Casey in order to gain acceptance from his gang mates agrees to steal a rifle from old hermit " and as you might guess there's going to be a very large buzzing fly in this ointment . It is fairly predictable stuff and perhaps mindful of this Dixon does his utmost to craft a short film that will impress his small audience . Yeah I know it sounds cruel but apparently short films are only watched by everyone who has worked on them , their family , their best friends , and myself and Bob The Moo and it's obviously myself and Mr Moo who comment on them on a regular basis whereas the constant crapfests made by the likes of Michael Bay are seen by millions . Sam Dixon is no Michael Bay . He has taken a simple short story and has made a haunting short film that is just a little bit depressing and one wonders if we might just be seeing a successor to the underrated Aussie director John Hillcoat ? Like Hillcoat Dixon doesn't feel the need to show off camera wise but contains some superb cinematography such as Casey walking through a mist shrouded woodland which is quite moody overdoing anything . The music too is a very efficient mood effect . I doubt if this short is being used as a pitch but I did find myself intrigued as to how the story and its fall out would continue once the on screen action finished . It's always a good sign when you watch a short and you want more without feeling cynically done by and I'll be interested in seeing how Sam Dixon's cinematic career pans out