26 reviews
- benjamin_james-49015
- Jul 17, 2015
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This show's animation is abysmal. Possibly one of the ugliest I've ever seen. And no. This show is nothing like "Ren and Stimpy" where that show had creative settings and cohesive writing (so stop comparing that show to this as if this show is just as good in quality). Nothing in this show makes any sense whatsoever. It's characters are underdeveloped, the writing is all over the place, and it's use of toilet humor is just revolting. I don't recall laughing at any of the jokes as they made no logical sense other than to be disgusting and again I couldn't get past the ugly animation. Heck even the name of this show is barely a tittle. "Pig Goat Banana Cricket"? Did some one forget to insert commas? Then again judging by the intelligence of this show why should I even care? This show must have been intended for ages embryo to one. It's double insulting that this show has been renewed for another season. Is Nick trying to ruin themselves?
- jcdelgado106
- Jan 31, 2016
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- starmotion
- Jul 21, 2015
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Where to begin? First off The art style alone is enough to keep anyone with a reasonable sense of taste far far away. And the title what to make of it? "Pig Goat Banana Cricket" sounds like there should be an AND before cricket but I guess they wanted to show just how crazy this show is. And when I say crazy I mean annoying. This show is almost like bread winners with its annoying "can't have the characters slow down or else the kids will flick away syndrome", almost as bad it's better than bread winners with that hyper active can't stop non-sense. But this show's previously mentioned art style is very ugly, The title screen cap on the page before the one this review is on dose not show any of the main characters and if you look at any of the screen caps on other websites you will see that was most likely on purpose because this show is show ugly with it's art style. It's animated in flash which I myself think too many cartoons now a days are animated in flash but the animation itself is fluid enough for standard flash shows but the art style is hideous. Now I saw in some review that this show is like a modern day Ren and Stimpy, there wrong, for starters Ren and Stimpy relied on slap stick and sneaking sly adult humor in occasion and not as much on gross out humor and the art style there was due to limitation and the jokes themselves were well written. Pig goat banana cricket focuses too much on gross out humor for instance in the ear killing theme song they run on a blast of snot. The characters are nothing new and everything unlikeable, bland, easily predictable and yet manage to be annoying. There's not to much else I can say about this show it's just shy of being bread winners bad, shows like this is why many people think Nick is dying. Really bad shows like Johnny test and bread winners are made to appeal to a demographic just to get viewer ship with it "hip and cool modern" concept and leave the writing, animation, characters, and everything else left to utter crap. Show like these are not what the network needs! What Nick needs is a show that can be entertaining and have moments that slow down the pace from time to time, Like Harvey Beaks that is a great show for Nicks line up and can teach morals. Or the new ninja turtles which what teen titans go wishes it was with great directed action and clever humor. As for Pig goat banana cricket I presume it will be canceled to make a time slot for the upcoming and hopefully better Loud house.
Nickelodeon was already improving by green-lighting Harvey Beaks, AND giving SpongeBob a 10th season, but now they prove that they can make a show worse than Breadwinners. Fanboy and Chum Chum would've been the worst Nickelodeon show ever, until THAT spot went to Breadwinners, and now THIS??!! I cannot believe this. Pig Goat Banana Cricket is a pain in the ass. I've just already seen the first episode of this damn thing, and I swear to got, it was too drugged up. It even felt like an insult to the cartoons of the 1930s. Pig Goat Banana Cricket is nowadays the WORST Nickelodeon show ever!! Is this something worth watching?! NO!!! Harvey Beaks is way better than this, and that doesn't have butt jokes (well, sometimes it does, but not as much as Breadwinners). I'm done with this crap. I never want to see Pig Goat Banana Cricket on TV ever again.
- DannyD1997
- Jul 19, 2015
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- andrew_heitzeberg
- Jul 17, 2015
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- toondude-rozier844
- Jul 20, 2015
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what on earth is this. it looks stupid, idiotic and not even worth watching. you couldn't pay me with all the cheeseburgers in the world to watch this show because I'd just take the cheeseburgers and run... I don't even know what this show is about but I don't need to know, to know that this show is totally lame. I mean who would watch something like this, cause I know I wouldn't. I've seen better from nickelodeon and i certainly wouldn't make anyone watch this show, even if our lives depended on it. I don't know what they were thinking when they made this show yet I'm starting to think that they weren't thinking when making this show otherwise they would have came up with something much better and actually worth watching. this show seems like one of those one season kind of shows!!!
- BowlingGod146
- Aug 8, 2015
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First the mighty B to fanboy and chum chum to Sanjay and Craig to breadwinners to this wow nickelodeon you love toilet humor so much i just can't believe it every show with toilet humor got low ratings and nickelodeon still wants to make another one i just hope after this there won't be anymore disgusting shows cartoon network has Clarence and uncle grandpa and Disney has a terrible show fish hooks but ended so why won't you give up and never have toilet humor again because this show is such an awful show it's so bad that i can't even describe how bad it is but still the thunder mans is worse by a lot and so is game shakers and Henry danger so nickelodeon stop because nobody likes disgusting jokes except ones who have been in many disgusting situations if you keep carrying on with disgusting humor then cartoon network will be better than you and i know it i just hope you don't force Butch to put toilet humor on Bunsen is a beast or pinky malinky because they will fail too and get negative reviews so just stop and try to compete with cartoon network but at least Disney channel is starting to get worse than you because nickelodeon was always my favorite network until you put live action sitcoms with laugh tracks and toilet humor/disgusting humor but lucky you have been getting on your feet bit by bit since Harvey beaks i just hope you listen to haters because most of your shows have more than 500 haters but it's the best out of all the toilet humor shows so get back on your feet and start canceling the shows that are less than 5.8 please nickelodeon please i will do anything for you to cancel garbage like this
- mobengafer
- Feb 3, 2017
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When I first saw it, I thought it was going to be another Breadwinners, Sanjay and Craig, etc But I watched it and it was actually pretty decent, reminds me of the good ol' days. It kinda reminds me of (old) Spongebobs layout. Pig is a mixture of Patrick and SB, Goat is squidward, banana is Mr krabs, and cricket is obviously sandy, Its not the best ever but its still better than whats on nickelodeon now, which explains the 10 star rating. Episode plots.... Meh, Character traits, Balanced, But I'd hope it could explain a little more about the setting, as in one episode they're In a city and in one they're in a cave with an arcade and an old lady in it.... But its good.
- richboundzash
- Aug 30, 2015
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Biff Tannen is the voice of Banna!!! You can't regret it.
This is not a show for kids. Have 0 expectations relax with your favourite inhibitor and laugh and don't try and make sense. The animation takes you back to the glory days of Ren and Stimpy the story line is nonsense, just don't think so hard. It was hilarious and fun. If you're looking for meaning in a show called Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket, you mighy need to consider looking a bit further because the title is exactly what it says it is. Stop giving it bad reviews because you wanted something more from a cartoon named Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket.
P. S I've watched one episode while drunk and then wrote this review!!!
This is not a show for kids. Have 0 expectations relax with your favourite inhibitor and laugh and don't try and make sense. The animation takes you back to the glory days of Ren and Stimpy the story line is nonsense, just don't think so hard. It was hilarious and fun. If you're looking for meaning in a show called Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket, you mighy need to consider looking a bit further because the title is exactly what it says it is. Stop giving it bad reviews because you wanted something more from a cartoon named Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket.
P. S I've watched one episode while drunk and then wrote this review!!!
- danilee-25289
- Mar 27, 2024
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The worst show ever from Nickelodeon since 2015 this show contains too much toilet humor anf theme song is generic rather than annoying because it's about kids shouting the names of the protagonists while it plays a generic rock music.
- arielsiere
- May 26, 2022
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- caidenw-37050
- Dec 9, 2016
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- GravityLoudHouseLover1
- Oct 13, 2015
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This Cartoon is WORSE THAN Sanjay and Craig, Breadwinners, and Rocket monkeys but, this show also is good.
Think about it. It looks like an abomination, it feels like an abomination, and it's written like an abomination. So therefore, it's an abomination. Allow me to introduce you to the writing process of the theme song. Are you ready kids? XD let's get started. 'Pig opens up his refrigerator and then he grabs a jar of pickles. PIG! Goat's head pops out of the pickle jar and she flies out of it with a guitar with pickles flying out underneath her. Goat strums her guitar. GOAT! Goat throws guitar towards Banana. Banana is seen playing video games. Banana turns, crosses his legs, and smiles at camera. BANANA! Banana screams and guitar Goat throws flies into his mouth. Banana trips backwards and pulls the guitar out of his mouth and suddenly trips over a worm hole and falls in. Cricket is seen finished making a machine. Banana hits Cricket while he was falling down a worm hole. CRICKET! Cricket falls down and drops his tiny machine. The tiny machine grows bigger without reason and then PIG GOAT BANANA CRICKET go towards the machine without reason. The machine sucks up PIG GOAT BANANA CRICKET for some unkown reason. Then, the machine launches out from underneath the ground. A bug monster is rampaging above a town and the bug monster sees the machine. PIG GOAT BANANA CRICKET screams and the machine flies into the bug monster's nose. The bug monster sneezes them out and PIG GOAT BANANA CRICKET fly out in a wave of boogers and snot saying their names and the title card flies to the screen with it revealing that PIG GOAT BANANA CRICKET is an abomination.' And if that was your goal to show our kids what an abomination really is, XD then you did a good job.
- dh2-643-356879
- Mar 16, 2019
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I like weird and fun shows, it's bizarre, random and again fun, I like this show how it doesn't take itself seriously, like most show today in television examples Adventure time, regular show, We bare bears, this shows are tryng to much to embbigen themself form how they started that are just annoying the fan base, and in we bare bears you can see that they are gonna make it more of what it is (Grizz past) this show it's at par in zaniness whit uncle grandpa, I even want a crossover of the shows, also,I fell sad they call this show mediocre, or bad or worse, you can tell they don't try to give a show a chance, even great show have wobbly first season (example- old Simpsons ,Bob burger, Futurama) so if you wan't to just veg out and have fun watch it and enjoy!!!
- gear_steam
- Aug 13, 2015
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- dannylafontaine13
- Aug 23, 2017
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I can't believe everyone here saying that Harvey Beaks is a good show, it tries to be serious but it just ends up being stupid. It's a total rip off of Cartoon Network's shows that are ACTUALLY SERIOUS (ie Adventure Time, Steven Universe). Meanwhile, Pig Goat Banana Cricket is a cool show with wicked animation and awesome characters (Goat is my favorite), it's really silly and funny. I don't get how people could say that that idiotic show Harvey Beaks is better than this show. At least PGBC is unique. Also, even though it h a strong a bit of toilet humor, so does Harvey Beaks. I'm not even going to mention Breadwinners or Sanjay and Craig. I love how Goat is sassy (and NOT considered bossy like girls are usually seen as), and I like that even though Cricket has a crush on her,she isn't just used as a love interest. What more can I say?
- imjaegerbomb
- Jul 29, 2015
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A lot of people on here are either too stuck or too dumb to understand the brilliance of this show.
For example in one of the episodes an elderly character's mobility scooter runs out of gas, pig goes out to get gas, and comes back saying "I'm so glad I found a place that sold me POLTER GAS". Before Elderly character can say "oh no not the polter gas", the mobility scooter transforms into a super giant mobility scooter with skulls, spikes and flames coming out of the sides. That's freaking brilliant. A joke that was literally on the screen for like 4 seconds but it was amazing. .. (for the ones who don't get the joke look up "poltergeist")
I understand the art style might not be for everyone, I personally like it.
Not anything have to be educational for your kids. Sometimes you just want to watch something ridiculous, silly. Just as some of you want to relax and watch Kardashian's or some other reality show your kid might want to watch something that's fun for them. Your kid might not get some of the jokes but at least in the future they well have better sense of humor then a lot of you on here.
For example in one of the episodes an elderly character's mobility scooter runs out of gas, pig goes out to get gas, and comes back saying "I'm so glad I found a place that sold me POLTER GAS". Before Elderly character can say "oh no not the polter gas", the mobility scooter transforms into a super giant mobility scooter with skulls, spikes and flames coming out of the sides. That's freaking brilliant. A joke that was literally on the screen for like 4 seconds but it was amazing. .. (for the ones who don't get the joke look up "poltergeist")
I understand the art style might not be for everyone, I personally like it.
Not anything have to be educational for your kids. Sometimes you just want to watch something ridiculous, silly. Just as some of you want to relax and watch Kardashian's or some other reality show your kid might want to watch something that's fun for them. Your kid might not get some of the jokes but at least in the future they well have better sense of humor then a lot of you on here.
- Illustrator11
- May 24, 2022
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- worththeduck
- Jul 19, 2015
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Pig Goat Banana Cricket is a good Nickelodeon show a you can Watching on paramount plus if you like it and I hate People that say it's Ugly and bad as a Tv shows. And I want more shows Like this one and I Invite you Not to watch it when you're eating. And I love The art Style and the art work. And Similar TV shows include Back at the barnyard. Sanjay-And-Craig and Fanboy and chum chum. I am so sad that this tv shows only last. 2 years 2015 to 2017 and only last 2 season on Nickelodeon and I love When nickelodeon is risky with their shows Cause nickelodeon doesn't do that anymore and They stop being risky With the TV shows.
- rchljackson
- Apr 21, 2023
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CatDogis one of the m-o-s-t stupidest tv series ever made! This this show! ITS AMAZING! The acting is superb! The mouth movements actually sync in with what the actors are saying! The animation is brilliant! and the characters are much,much,much better than that stupid CatDog and even better than that crap known as Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs: The TV Series!
- tommypezmaster
- Mar 22, 2018
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