Cruella (2021)
Emma Stone: Estella, Cruella
Cruella de Vil : They say there are five stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Well, I'd like to add one more. Revenge
Cruella de Vil : So, this is a confusing day. My nemesis is my real mother, and she killed my other mother. I guess you were always scared, weren't you, that I'd be a psycho like my real mum? Hmm? That explains all the "tone it down, try and fit in" stuff. Love me into shape, I suppose, was the plan. And I tried. I really, I tried because I loved you. But the thing is, I'm not sweet Estella, try as I might. I never was. I'm Cruella, born brilliant, born bad, and a little bit mad. I am not like her. I'm better. Anyway, must dash. Much to avenge, revenge, and destroy. But I do love you. Always.
Cruella de Vil : You killed my mother!
Baroness : You need to be more specific.
Cruella de Vil : Anyway, must dash. Much to avenge, revenge, and destroy.
Cruella de Vil : The thing is, I was born brilliant, born bad, and a little bit mad. I'm Cruella.
Cruella de Vil : I'm just getting started, darling.
Cruella de Vil : I want to make art, Artie, and I want to make trouble. You in?
Artie : I do love trouble.
Cruella de Vil : The good thing about evil people is you can always trust them to do something, well, evil.
Baroness : [to Cruella] Let me give you some advice. If you need to talk about power, you don't have it.
Cruella de Vil : Well, I don't have it, which is why I need to talk about it, which is why I'm here. Am I going to have to catch you up a lot, or can you keep up?
Cruella de Vil : Cruella was in a box a long time, now Estella can be the one who makes guest appearances.
Baroness : You can't care about anyone else. Everyone else is an obstacle. You care what an obstacle wants or feels, you're dead. If I cared about anyone or thing, I might have died like so many brilliant women with a drawer full of unseen genius and a heart full of sad bitterness. You have the talent for your own label. Whether you have the killer instinct is the big question.
Cruella de Vil : I hope I do.
Cruella de Vil : [from official trailer] How does the saying go? I am woman, hear me roar.
Cruella de Vil : From the very beginning, I realized I saw the world differently than everyone else. That didn't sit well with some people. But I wasn't for everyone. I guess they were all scared... that I'd be... a psycho.
Cruella de Vil : But a new day brings new opportunities. And I was ready to make a statement.
Cruella de Vil : It's funny how those happy accidents can change the whole direction of your life.
Cruella de Vil : It's not Estella. That's the past. I'm Cruella.
Cruella de Vil : From the very beginning I've always made a statement. Not everyone appreciated that. But I wasn't for everyone.
Cruella de Vil : Don't worry. We're just getting started. There's lots more bad things coming. I promise.
Cruella de Vil : Being a genius is one thing. Raising a genius, however, does come with its challenges.
Cruella de Vil : [to Jasper] Darling, if I'm going to need to repeat myself a lot, this isn't going to work out.
Cruella de Vil : Wreaking havoc at galas is my personal specialty.
[after reading about her exploits in the paper]
Artie : It's you!
Cruella de Vil : It is. And you're reading about me.
Artie : And you're in my shop.
Cruella de Vil : [parachuting] A well-cut skirt is a lifesaver, girls. Remember that.