14 of 14 found this to have none
12 of 22 found this severe
Several Prolonged Fight Scenes And A Blood Ritual Scene (Which Sets Up The Events Of The Game)
The orcs kills the family with a sword the leader kills the wife by cutting her neck and she's bleeding and the son is killed with blood bleeding.
Using an execution on enemies usually leads to decapitation.
The game consists of exploring the world and combat.
The violence can be very violent but in the same token the enemies are evil orcs and are getting what they deserve for killing the players family.
The fact that the enemies are orcs and have black blood softens the impact of the violence somewhat.
11 of 15 found this mild
About as violent as the second game, there is more language
"Damn it" and "ass" can be heard a couple of times throughout the game, but they're all said by orcs who are foul-mouthed by nature. And even then, it's extremely minimal in its profanity in general.
There are a few uses of the word B*****d.
10 of 14 found this mild
The orcs drink a drink called "grog". This may be some kind of strong alcohol. It is never stated exactly what it is.
8 of 13 found this moderate
Slightly more violent than the Lord of the Rings(which is very violent for a pg-13 movie).