Cecilia is a professor at the university. Two of her students are kidnapped by agents of the CNI, the political police of Augusto Pinochet's regime. She decides to join the armed resistance.
Cecilia is part of a cell of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, the group carries out an action that lands them on the news. Bareta, the agent of the CNI, discovers a clue that leads him to them.
Cecilia is fleeing from the CNI. Her group organizes an operation to rescue Salomón. Cecilia and Rodrigo travel to Buenos Aires, he asks her to participate in the main mission of the Patriotic Front.
The country is agitated; people protest against the dictatorship, but the military responds harshly. Cecilia travels to northern Chile with a new mission and demonstrates her leadership.
The Front's mission is jeopardized by Bareta's actions, and they must change strategy. Rodrigo and Ignacio recruit their most loyal soldiers to carry out an attack against the tyrant.
The guerrillas, led by Cecilia, Ignacio, and Rodrigo, prepare for the attack. The night before the assassination attempt, Rodrigo makes a decision that will affect his relationship with Cecilia.
Time has passed since the assassination attempt on Pinochet. The members of the Patriotic Front are in hiding. Bareta plans a simultaneous attack with the main goal of finding Tamara and Rodrigo.
Rodrigo is planing a new attack. Cecilia visits her family, bids farewell to her daughter, confident that she will see her again, and together they will be able to live in a free and just country.