11 reviews
There are a lot of things they got right about this game. I'm an Elder Scrolls fan, not an MMO fan. I do recommend checking it out if you have a chance, but it's really just a placeholder until TES VI. Because it's an MMO, it's less enjoyable than it should be. The devs do a great job, but the people are generally awful and ruin the experience.
- nikkiworrell
- Jan 11, 2021
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...if you enjoy PvP in open world Cyrodil, you're in for a lot of laggy times. It's such a shame, too, because Cyrodil is such a unique experience when it works correctly. But, hey, I still come back and play several times per week after all these years... so I can't knock it too much.
If the lag in Cyrodil was fixed, this would be a 10/10!
If the lag in Cyrodil was fixed, this would be a 10/10!
- Analog_Devotee
- Aug 2, 2021
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How in the hell this game has only 7,6 rating?? It has its issue but is for me atleast a 10/10.. i love it. Has everything i ever wanted in a game.
- fuad_tarin_58
- Aug 3, 2019
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When it comes to mmo's there tends to be a lot of issues with the first phase of the game. When.this game was first launched there was issues with the levelling and made the game extremely repetitive. But after the first update, the game most certainly improved. I really wish those people who were disappointed at first would come back and play it. Also, i wasn't a big fan of Skyrim V which turned me off from the game initially, but these two games are completely different. So if you liked skyrim, you may or may not like this, and if you didn't like skyrim, give it a chance. This is a really good game. Unlike destiny this sticks to the true roots of a mmo.
- fifa-94747
- Aug 7, 2018
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Firstly, ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE (2014) is a great game, so fun, so much to do, absolutely beautiful landscape and cities, great characters and backstories, excellent music, vast amounts of questing, so much lore and great storytelling. It's a Fantasy MMORPG game (but can definitely be played Solo). Aside from quests and main stories, there are dungeons galore, delves, events, world bosses, game achievements, DLC, etc. Tons of stuff to collect as well.
I've been playing Elder Scrolls Online for quite some time now and I must start out by saying it might be easy to pre-judge the game in the beginning, especially when you might feel initially compelled to compare it to ES V: Skrim. Being a fan of ES V: Skyrim (as well as ES Oblivion, Morrowind etc.) and solo gaming in general, I felt torn, reluctant to play this. I really didn't want to hate it but certainly wasn't expecting to love it...
For Skyrim fans out there, I'm know it's easy to want to compare the gameplay, graphics, design etc. I remember being very annoyed at the differences initially and hesitant to play on, but I got over myself and really ended up enjoying this game. It has sooooo much to offer. Quests, Adventure, Exploration. There's so much to do, so much going on. Also, if you want to play solo you absolutely can (that was one of the aspects which I misunderstood in the beginning). I hate online games that make it impossible to play solo, and force social interactions at every turn. While that can be fun in certain times, sometimes you want the freedom to play your game as you choose and not automatically pushed into teams, guilds, clans etc. Sometimes you just want to escape people and reality and the drama that comes with. Many of us introverts play games! I digress.
My only annoyance is all the in-game purchase options that seem to infect so many games these days. I wish there were better ways to earn more Crowns (game currency for bonus content). I feel like that tends to detract from a solid game and always tends to feel profiteering and greedy, but it's not overy forced down your throat here and you can certainly play without buying stuff. You will probably want the main DLC to unlock new countries and questlines, but the other stuff (skins, costumes, pets etc.) is not necessary, but secondary and not much of a complaint. You can still win items and things like costumes and pets by finishing quests and participating in events etc. Some are gifted on holiday seasons. That's been cool.
Overall, this turned out to be a really great game. Great mechanics, fun gameplay, beautiful world design. It really has a bit of everything for everyone. Hard to understand someone hating it, in my opinion. It's definitely one of the better Fantasy MMORPG's out there and a great solo Fantasy RPG as well.
I've been playing Elder Scrolls Online for quite some time now and I must start out by saying it might be easy to pre-judge the game in the beginning, especially when you might feel initially compelled to compare it to ES V: Skrim. Being a fan of ES V: Skyrim (as well as ES Oblivion, Morrowind etc.) and solo gaming in general, I felt torn, reluctant to play this. I really didn't want to hate it but certainly wasn't expecting to love it...
For Skyrim fans out there, I'm know it's easy to want to compare the gameplay, graphics, design etc. I remember being very annoyed at the differences initially and hesitant to play on, but I got over myself and really ended up enjoying this game. It has sooooo much to offer. Quests, Adventure, Exploration. There's so much to do, so much going on. Also, if you want to play solo you absolutely can (that was one of the aspects which I misunderstood in the beginning). I hate online games that make it impossible to play solo, and force social interactions at every turn. While that can be fun in certain times, sometimes you want the freedom to play your game as you choose and not automatically pushed into teams, guilds, clans etc. Sometimes you just want to escape people and reality and the drama that comes with. Many of us introverts play games! I digress.
My only annoyance is all the in-game purchase options that seem to infect so many games these days. I wish there were better ways to earn more Crowns (game currency for bonus content). I feel like that tends to detract from a solid game and always tends to feel profiteering and greedy, but it's not overy forced down your throat here and you can certainly play without buying stuff. You will probably want the main DLC to unlock new countries and questlines, but the other stuff (skins, costumes, pets etc.) is not necessary, but secondary and not much of a complaint. You can still win items and things like costumes and pets by finishing quests and participating in events etc. Some are gifted on holiday seasons. That's been cool.
Overall, this turned out to be a really great game. Great mechanics, fun gameplay, beautiful world design. It really has a bit of everything for everyone. Hard to understand someone hating it, in my opinion. It's definitely one of the better Fantasy MMORPG's out there and a great solo Fantasy RPG as well.
- Jinxxa_Wolfe
- Apr 23, 2023
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ESO is an absolutely wonderful game with such a vast and beautiful world with so much to explore! Lots of quests, lore and characters to interact and learn about. So much content and beautiful scenery. Definitely a game worth your time!
- kindredvillain
- May 6, 2022
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I was expecting more, considering all the hype. For me it felt flat and lacking, because the races and classes are a little too cosmetic. They are so "open" to crossover, that it doesn't feel there is much difference in choosing one or the other. And then there are so many tweaks you can buy, that characters have no distinctive flair. Which also makes this game a great money pit for players into building mega-characters.
But the deal-breaker for me was that, something about the visuals caused me vertigo. No matter the adjustments I did. Tried switching perspective, reducing head-bob, and just about any other recommended tweak. I couldn't play for more than 45 minutes without getting nausea. The funny thing is that a friend also got vertigo from the game. I looked around and vertigo seems to be an issue for some people.
So, no, I wouldn't recommend this game.
But the deal-breaker for me was that, something about the visuals caused me vertigo. No matter the adjustments I did. Tried switching perspective, reducing head-bob, and just about any other recommended tweak. I couldn't play for more than 45 minutes without getting nausea. The funny thing is that a friend also got vertigo from the game. I looked around and vertigo seems to be an issue for some people.
So, no, I wouldn't recommend this game.
- profcamilotorres
- Jan 4, 2022
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The community forums for ESO are horrible.They are tantamount to a Nazi Regime.And this is the truth. I have been playing ESO since the first betas,and been in the forums as long. Many people go there for information,and to connect with other players. However,Zenimax seems to have created a place where you cannot speak about many things,or you will be banned from the site. It is hard at times what to know you are allowed to speak about and what you had better not speak about.The lines have blurred and the moderators are now getting personal about who they allow to stay and who they get rid of. At the moment,the entire community is up in arms about the recent banning of players who downloaded a cheat program.They were permabanned,but now are allowed to return,which goes against the terms of service that Zenimax makes you agree to when you start playing. There were many threads opened in the forums,but were shut down by the moderators.Then,..they created one to allow people to talk about it,but in the first post told you that it was against forum rules to talk about the topic,or the actions taken for it. People were angry,and some of us posted reflecting our feelings.I was one of them.Suddenly,I was banned from the site,permanently,and many other members had their comments removed.. So,at this time there are rampant cheaters in the PvP area of the game,and Zenimax has allowed this. In the end,if you want to join their forum,you had better be very careful what you say and what you talk about,or who you talk about. **About the game itself.** I played in the first betas and continue to do,so even now. I read here that someone said that you can only explore to find other quests.That all you can do is quest or grind.This isn't true at all. Also it was said that ESO is too linear,that you are led through each quest.This also isn't true.There are zones you have to get through before you can get to others,sure,but they are factioned zones.Meaning that you start on one faction,and finish the main quest there,and then are send to a different faction to do the main quest there,until you have done all three factions.Once you have done all three factions you have full run of the entire map. **Very soon you will be able to have access to the whole map from the beginning.They are changing this and making it wide open to explore and quest. In ESO many creatures and monsters you kill drop very good gear,as well as low level plain things.Bosses always have something worth getting when you kill them. The people who gripe a lot about not getting stuff from bosses,etc,that ESO doesn't give you any good gear or anything are usually PvP players who constantly find fault with the game.Fair,.ESO wasn't built around PvP and they really don't have a lot to do,but they DO get the very best gear in the game.Thing is,I have never felt the need for that gear,as I can craft my own gear and improve it until it is Legendary. You can explore every facet of each zone as you please.There are some small problems with the game,there always with games this big. And personally,I think it is a finer game than the ones mentioned in the other reviews. WoW,and the rest.I have played World of Warcraft for a long time,but since playing ESO,it feels quite dated and clunky now. It really is an awesome game and the output of the funds to purchase the basic game is worth it.You then can either subscribe and have infinite slotted crafting bags,added XP,and 1500 crowns given you to use in the crown store for fun items like mounts,costumes,small upgrades,etc.Nothing that would make the game pay2win though.No weapons or gear.Also when yo usub you get every DLC for free. In ending,I still after two years subscribe,though you don't have to anymore,and will continue to do so for a long time to come. ESO is a great way to spend time.
- WhiskeyRiver-AZ
- Jun 19, 2016
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