Jeremy Renner credited as playing...
Clint Barton • Hawkeye
- Iron Man: Clearly retirement doesn't suit you. You got tired of shooting golf?
- Hawkeye: Well, I played 18, I shot 18. Just can't seem to miss.
- [fires arrow at Iron Man and misses]
- Iron Man: Well, first time for everything.
- Hawkeye: Made you look.
- [Scarlet Witch uses the distraction to trap Iron Man under a pile of cars]
- Clint Barton: The futurist is here, gentlemen! He sees all. He knows what's best for you, whether you like it or not.
- Bucky Barnes: [referring to Zemo] We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.
- Captain America: We need to draw out the flyers... I'll take Vision. You get to the jet.
- Falcon: [being chased by War Machine] No, you get to the jet! Both of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here!
- Hawkeye: As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.
- Captain America: Alright, Sam. What's the plan?
- Falcon: We need a diversion. Something big!
- Ant-Man: I got something kinda big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell, and if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me.
- Bucky Barnes: [uncertainly] He's gonna tear himself in half?
- Captain America: You sure about this, Scott?
- Ant-Man: I do it all the time. I mean, once... In a lab. And I passed out.
- [breathes deeply]
- Ant-Man: I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss...
- Clint Barton: [about Stark] You gotta watch your back with this guy!
- [pounds the window in a rage]
- Clint Barton: There's a chance he's gonna break it!
- Hawkeye: As much as I hate to admit it, if we're going to win this fight, some of us might have to lose it.
- Clint Barton: [about to fire an arrow with Ant-Man on it] Buckled in?
- Ant-Man: Yeah. No, I'm good. I'm good Arrow Guy. Let's go, let's go!
- Clint Barton: [after Wanda telekinetically throws a knife at him] Guess I shoulda knocked.
- Wanda Maximoff: Oh, my god! What are you doing here?
- Clint Barton: Disappointing my kids. I'm supposed to go waterskiing. Cap needs our help. Come on.
- Hawkeye: Okay, we gotta go. It's this way.
- Wanda Maximoff: I've caused enough problems.
- Hawkeye: You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you wanna mope, can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass.
- Captain America: How about our other recruit?
- Hawkeye: He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but... he should be good.
- Scott Lang: [Jolts awake] What time zone is this?
- Clint Barton: Cap.
- Steve Rogers: You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice.
- Clint Barton: Hey, man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt.
- Steve Rogers: Thanks for having my back.
- Wanda Maximoff: It was time to get off my ass.
- Bucky Barnes: We should get moving.
- Clint Barton: We got a chopper lined up.
- Bucky Barnes: [hearing an announcement in German] They're evacuating the airport.
- Sam Wilson: Stark.
- Scott Lang: Stark?
- Steve Rogers: Suit up.
- Iron Man: Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings.
- Wanda Maximoff: You locked me in my room.
- Iron Man: Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you. Hey, Clint.
- Hawkeye: Hey, man.