Robot Chicken (TV Series)
G.I. Jogurt (2014)
Donald Faison: Destro, Cavity Creep
[as the G.I. Joes win an Emmy award in PSAs]
Cobra Commander : Look at them, Destro! The Joes churn out pedestrian advice to dead-eyed children, and the public eats it up! "Hey kids, don't play with poles and electric lights!" - reads like a dispatch from the No Shit Clinic!
Destro : I'll get the nerve gas!
Cobra Commander : No, you fool, we'll beat them at their own game! We will create our own PSAs!
Baroness : [enters] Oh, I forgot you guys were in here writing! I was just looking for a hammer to hang my degree in screenwriting from Applebee's! Anything I can do for you while I'm in here?
Baroness : Destro?
Destro : She's actually really funny, guys...
Cobra Commander : You lost me at "She's". Fuck it, we're doing it without a script!
[as the G.I. Joes win an Emmy award in PSAs]
Destro : Pump the nerve gas!