Incredibles 2 (2018)
Catherine Keener: Evelyn Deavor
Elastigirl : I counted on you.
Evelyn Deavor : That's why you failed.
Elastigirl : What?
Evelyn Deavor : Why would you count on me? Because I built you a bike? Because my brother knows the words to your theme song? We don't know each other!
Elastigirl : [glares] But you can count on me anyway.
Evelyn Deavor : I'm supposed to, aren't I? Because you have some strange abilities and a shiny costume, the rest of us are supposed to put our lives into your gloved hands. That's what my father believed. When our home was broken into, my mother wanted to hide. Begged my father to use the safe room. But Father insisted they call his superhero friends. He died, pointlessly, stupidly... waiting for heroes to save the day.
Elastigirl : But why would you... your brother...
Evelyn Deavor : Is a child! He remembers the time when we had parents and superheroes. So, like a child, Winston conflates the two: Mommy and Daddy went away because supers went away. Our sweet parents were fools to put their lives in anybody else's hands. Superheroes keep us weak!
Elastigirl : Who did I put in jail?
Evelyn Deavor : Pizza delivery guy. Seemed the right height, build. He gave you a pretty good fight. I should say I gave you a pretty good fight through him.
Elastigirl : But it doesn't bother you that an innocent man is in jail?
Evelyn Deavor : Eh, he was surly. And the pizza was cold.
Evelyn Deavor : People will trade quality for ease every time.
Evelyn Deavor : [Jack Jack enters the control room where the mind-controlled Helen, Bob, and Lucius are in; Evelyn is watching this via tv screens in her office] Wha- a baby?
Violet Parr , Dashiell 'Dash' Parr : [entering room via elevator, having followed Jack Jack] Mom? Dad? Lucius?
[Helen, Bob and Lucius attack the kids, but Violet projects a force field. Jack Jack telekinetically floats out of the force field]
Evelyn Deavor : A super baby?
[the mind-controlled Helen grabs Jack Jack and holds him out in front of her]
Jack-Jack Parr : [Jack-Jack babbles happily, then notices that his mother's eyes are concealed by the glasses she wearing and is not noticing him. Jack-Jack scowls and starts to telekinetically remove the goggles]
Elastigirl : [Elastigirl blinks, coming back from her hypnotized state; gasps] Huh!
Evelyn Deavor : [shocked] What? No! No! Put him down! No! Put him down!
[Jack Jack completely takes the goggles off his mother, Helen and telekinetically throws them on the floor]
Elastigirl : Kids?
Evelyn Deavor : Welcome aboard, Elastigirl. Although we haven't yet reached our cruising altitude. Feel free to roam about the cabin! Or just relax and let the cabin roam about you!
Evelyn Deavor : The reputations of super heroes are ruined. You will never become legal. Ever.
Elastigirl : [sounding a bit drunk] Never?
Evelyn Deavor : [laughs] No.
Elastigirl : Ever?
Evelyn Deavor : No.
Elastigirl : [gets up and leans on Evelyn] Not even a little smidgee-widgee?
Evelyn Deavor : Oh, hypoxia. When you don't have enough oxygen, things seem really silly.
[pushes Elastigirl back on the floor]
Evelyn Deavor : Things get sillier and sillier and then you die.
Elastigirl : [laughs] I don't wanna die.
Evelyn Deavor : Ah, nobody does.
[Evelyn kicks Elastigirl farther away]
Evelyn Deavor : Really.
[chuckles wickedly]
Evelyn Deavor : Not such a bad way to go.
Evelyn Deavor : The fact that you saved me doesn't make you right.
Elastigirl : But it does make you alive.
[Elastigirl finds herself tided to a chair in a glass enclosed chamber in sub-zero temperature. She tries to stretch her arm, but groans in pain]
Evelyn Deavor : [appearing on the other side of the glass; coolly] I would resist the temptation to stretch. The temperature around you is well below freezing, try the stretch and... you'll break.
Elastigirl : [put two-and-two together] So, you're the Screenslaver.
Evelyn Deavor : Yes... and no. Let's say I created the character and pre-recorded the messages.
Elastigirl : Does Winston know?
Evelyn Deavor : [laughs] That I'm Screenslaver? Of course not! Do you know what "Mr. Free-Enterprise" would do with my hypnosis technology?
Elastigirl : Worse than what you're doing?
Evelyn Deavor : Hey, I'm using the technology to destroy people's trust in it... like I'm using superheroes.
Elastigirl : Who did I put in jail?
Evelyn Deavor : Pizza delivery guy. Seemed the right height, build. He gave you a pretty good fight. I should say *I* gave you a pretty good fight *through him*!
Elastigirl : Doesn't it bother you that an innocent man is in jail?
Evelyn Deavor : [indifferently] Eh, he was surly... and the pizza was cold.
Elastigirl : [angrily] I counted on you!
Evelyn Deavor : That's why you failed.
Elastigirl : [taken aback] WHAT?
Evelyn Deavor : Why would you count on me? Because I built you a bike? Because my brother know the words to your theme song? *We don't know each other*!
Elastigirl : [vehement] But you can count me anyway!
Evelyn Deavor : [bitterly] I'm supposed to, aren't I? Because you have some strange abilities, and a shiny costume, I'm supposed to put my life into your *gloved* hands. THAT'S what my father believed... When our home was broken into, my mother wanted to hide. Begged my father to use the safe room. But father insisted on calling his superhero friends. He died, pointlessly, *stupidly*... waiting for heroes to save the day.
Elastigirl : But why would... your brother...
Evelyn Deavor : [snaps] ... is a CHILD!
Evelyn Deavor : He remembers the time when there were parents and superheroes. So, like a child, Winston conflates the two - mommy and daddy went away, *because* superheroes went away.
Evelyn Deavor : Our sweet parents were *fools* to put their lives into anybody else's hands! SUPERHEROES KEEP US WEAK!
Elastigirl : [tensely] Are you going to kill me?
Evelyn Deavor : Nah... Using you is better. You are going to help me make sure that superheroes remain illegal... forever.
[Evelyn presses a button on a remote, activating the hypnosis goggles, sending Elastigirl into a brainwashed trance]
Elastigirl : Your tracker worked like a charm, Evelyn. You're a genius.
Evelyn Deavor : Aw shucks. I'm just the genius behind the genius.