51 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 100The Seattle TimesMoira MacdonaldThe Seattle TimesMoira MacdonaldWhile it’s great fun to watch the Incredibles/Parrs zipping around saving the world (with help from their preternaturally cool pal Lucius/Frozone, voiced with gusto by Samuel L. Jackson), Incredibles 2 gets its heart by being a sweet family story.
- 100The PlaylistDrew TaylorThe PlaylistDrew TaylorIt would have been a relief if, 14 years later, Incredibles 2 had simply met expectations. Instead, it exceeds them.
- 95TheWrapRobert AbeleTheWrapRobert AbeleThe good news is that this continuation is a similarly rousing and savvy adventure that energetically serves up more of what we love — from the sleek retro-futurist designs to the ticklishly severe Eurasian super-clothier Edna Mode — and yet wisely, wittily, reverses the first film’s accommodating traditionalism to make for an even richer, funnier portrait of its tight and in-tights family.
- 92IGNDavid GriffinIGNDavid GriffinBrad Bird’s strong script and direction elevate this animated adventure to new heights. Instead of trying to copy or parody the superhero films of the past 14 years, Incredibles 2 embraces what made its first outing so memorable: The Parr family and their willingness to work together in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
- 83IndieWireDavid EhrlichIndieWireDavid EhrlichOnce the menacing and mysterious Screenslaver is introduced, inciting a Spielberg-level monorail chase that reaffirms Bird’s lucid gift for kinetic and character-driven action filmmaking, the movie blasts off and never looks back.
- 83Entertainment WeeklyDarren FranichEntertainment WeeklyDarren FranichBird’s made the weirdest Pixar movie ever, revolutionary and retro, an anti-authoritarian ode to good parenting.
- 80The Hollywood ReporterTodd McCarthyThe Hollywood ReporterTodd McCarthyBoosted by central characters that remain vastly engaging and a deep supply of wit, Incredibles 2 certainly proves worth the wait, even if it hits the target but not the bull's eye in quite the way the first one did.
- 80Vanity FairRichard LawsonVanity FairRichard LawsonFrom a certain angle, Incredibles 2 looks a little too slavish to creaky conventions.
- 75USA TodayBrian TruittUSA TodayBrian TruittPixar doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to sequels, but this follow-up surpasses most everything without Toy Story in the title. The animation is stellar and detailed in excellent action sequences, Michael Giacchino’s score swings harder than ever, and the first film’s family-friendly warmth is just as appealing now as it was then, even if Incredibles 2 isn’t totally incredible itself.
- 70VarietyOwen GleibermanVarietyOwen GleibermanWhat was organic, and even obsessive, in the first outing comes off as pat and elaborate formula here. The new movie, energized as it is, too often feels like warmed-over sloppy seconds, with a what-do-we-do-now? riff that turns into an overly on-the-nose plot.