Season 5 started off incredibly impressively and there were enough solid to brilliant episodes throughout the season. Like the previous four seasons though, some episodes were better than others and the season was uneven. Enough of it has pretty much everything that makes 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' so great as a show, but not every episode worked (a notable example being "What About Discord", widely considered a show low-point).
It is hard to not expect a lot from "The Cutie Map: Part 1", being a fan of the show and as someone that enjoyed to love all the previous season openers. Was far from disappointed. "The Cutie Map: Part 1" was a great start to Season 5, a great episode in its own way and one of the show's best season openers, the best one up to this point of the show's run. While the episode is not quite perfect it (and Part 2) is among the best of the season.
"The Cutie Map: Part 1" is beautifully animated. Loved the vibrant colours and how rich and varied the detail in the backgrounds was and in terms of settings this is one of the richest ones of the season. Starlight Glimmer's character design also impresses, the town setting has a very vivid atmosphere and there are some typically well animated facial expressions and reactions. The music is dynamic and has groove and atmosphere. "In Our Town" is very big on the memorability factor, both in the catchy melody and the atmosphere created.
On the writing front, "The Cutie Map: Part 1" is a winner. Have always loved writing that is mature without being too complicated for younger audiences and manages to avoid both being dumbed down and over-serious. Loved the exchanges between Twilight and Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer's dialogue is quite fascinating psychologically. The story does so well setting things for what was to come without being too heavy in exposition or taking too long to get going, with some real tension later on in the episode and lots of fun and emotional investment. The portrayal of the town's view of friendship and being free, which is indeed pretty twisted, is beautifully done.
With one exception, the regular characters have distinct personalities and their personality traits are true to characters. "The Cutie Map: Part 1" did incredibly at bringing individuality to each, with Twilight being a standout (her development has come on a long way since the show first started), while Starlight Glimmer is one of my favourite 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' antagonists for her surprising psychological complexity and her manipulation quite chilling already. The voice acting is great from all, Kelly Sheridan pulling out all the stops.
Pinkie Pie disappoints a little though, she doesn't have much to do and doesn't serve an awful lot of point. Likewise with Spike, who is next to useless.
Otherwise, a great start for Season 5 and a great episode on its own. 9/10