When Saw Gerrera interrogates Bodhi Rook, Saw reaches for his breathing mask and knocks off the pipe connected to his suit. Cut to Bodhi then back to Saw and the pipe is back in place.
When Bodhi's trying to activate the communications tower, his cord gets stuck around some small towers that he would have had to go out of his way to wrap the cord around in the first place, and then in the next shot the devices are replaced by crates and the cord now reaches much further despite still being caught in the same spot.
The U-Wing has a very different door design from the practical version (Yavin IV, Edu) to the CGI version (departing Yavin IV, Jedha).
When landing the Transport the crew is preparing for landing as they deploy landing gear. You even hear them say that the landing gear is locked in position. Minutes later, when they actually are landing, you see the the landing gear coming out of the Transport, not being deployed earlier.
When Krennic goes to take Galen Erso, it is raining. His suit is wet and drops of water are hanging from his insignia (the six red rectangles). The drops appear and disappear between shots.
When the Imperial officers in the main tower see the explosions on the landing pads, the sound reaches them simultaneously. The distant landing pads are about a kilometer or so from the main tower, so there should have been a brief delay of a second or two before the sound reaches them. However, atmospheric conditions (pressure, temperature and humidity) can also affect the speed of sound and we do not know those factors when it comes to Scarif as it is a fictional alien world.
It is a well-established fact in the SW universe that spacecrafts cannot jump into hyperspace within a gravitational field (the novelization of New Hope explicitly states this and in the Thrawn novel trilogy there is the Interdictor cruiser class with the specific purpose of generating gravitational field to prevent nearby ships from escaping into hyperspace), yet they somehow succeed to do so when escaping from the exploding Jedha.
During the space battle over Scarif, in one shot of Gold Leader's Y-Wing cockpit, the edge of the Death Star's equatorial trench can be seen through the back window of the cockpit behind him. This is reused footage from the rebel attack on the Death Star from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977). Actually, while it is re-used footage, the background has been digitally altered to be the shield gate.
When the actual Death Star schematic is shown on a screen, it has an error - the superlaser dish is shown on the equatorial trench; it is actually above this trench, not on it. This may be a deliberate error done as a throwback to Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), which has the same apparent goof.
A giant Jedi statue, lying in the sand, is at first lying on its left side (like in Trailer #2), but zooming out, it is lying on its right side.
As it may look like this on casual observation, there are actually at least two toppled Jedi statues in the vicinity. The one the group passes at the beginning of the scene can be seen in the scene's very last shot to the far left of the frame.
As the rebels are setting charges on Scarif, they twist them to, presumably, arm them. The second or third charge never gets twisted. However, activating one may be all that is needed to detonate all of them, as they may well be linked.
At Jedha, in the wide shots, the Death Star is upside down as shown by the superlaser dish being on the bottom half of the station when it should be on the top half.
Actually there is no up or down in space. The Death Star was maneuvered into this position for the firing sequence. It's a mobile space station and the only thing that has to be "correct" is that the laser dish is pointing directly at the target. There's nothing inherently wrong with the attitude position of the Death Star in space since it is in zero gravity, we are just used to seeing it with the laser dish hemisphere being on (what we see as) the upper half in the original film. This is except for the very last shots of the Death Star when the Rebel ships are flying away from it and the camera shows it from a tilted angle.
Actually there is no up or down in space. The Death Star was maneuvered into this position for the firing sequence. It's a mobile space station and the only thing that has to be "correct" is that the laser dish is pointing directly at the target. There's nothing inherently wrong with the attitude position of the Death Star in space since it is in zero gravity, we are just used to seeing it with the laser dish hemisphere being on (what we see as) the upper half in the original film. This is except for the very last shots of the Death Star when the Rebel ships are flying away from it and the camera shows it from a tilted angle.
When the shuttle's thrusters ignite a conscious Jyn is pushed backwards to the edge of the platform but an unconscious Galen, who is nearer to the shuttle than Jyn, stays at the same spot and in the same position as before the ignition.
When the U-Wing was approaching the Imperial Kyber refinery, it took a hit on the rock. Upon impact, Bodhi fell backward. He should have fallen forward due to inertia when the vehicle reduced speed hitting the rock.
On Eadu, when Krennic's shuttle takes off, Jyn is blown backwards, but Galen is not - Galen is flat on the ground (the blast passes above him) while Jyn is not, so the blast affects her.
When Vader attacks the troopers in the corridor, the lights on his chestplate are off.
During Darth Vader's first scene on Mustafar, light from the window behind him is visible through the lower part of his ventilator and it is also possible to see part of Spencer Wilding's head.
As the camera pans into the control centre of the data bank station for the first time, we see officers huddling around a couple of consoles. These consoles appear to be rugged and firmly planted to the deck. However, one of the furthermost consoles was visibly nudged out of position as the camera drew away (towards Krennic).
The Death Star fires its superlaser to destroy the base on Scarif while the Rebel fleet (including Leia's ship) are close enough to observe. However, in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), General Tok tells Leia that she will determine the Death Star's first target. She would have known that it had already been used.
Bodhi tells Jyn and Cassian that shield gate is closed, so they're trapped and must transmit the plans to the Rebel fleet. Seconds later, he says they have to open the shield to transmit files this large; at which point they could simply fly out with the hard copy.