Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game 2020) Poster

(2020 Video Game)

Keanu Reeves: Johnny Silverhand



  • Johnny Silverhand : Wake the fuck up, Samurai! We have a city to burn.

  • Johnny Silverhand : The time has come for a close encounter of the third kind... A small step for V, but a giant leap for humankind. Who're you bettin' on showin' up? The reptilians or techno-necromancers?

    V (Male Player) : The Spanish Inquisition.

    Johnny Silverhand : I admit, I didn't expect that.

  • V (Male Player) : Guess I meant, I dunno... a happier ending... for everyone involved.

    Johnny Silverhand : Here, for folks like us? Wrong city, wrong people.

  • Johnny Silverhand : Goodbye, V, and never stop fighting.

  • Johnny Silverhand : Give yourself time. Ideas'll come. Life'll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you. The music'll find you.

  • Johnny Silverhand : Haven't forgotten a thing. Never will.

  • Johnny Silverhand : [as Panam falls asleep]  On behalf of the staff of Independent California Motel, I wish you sweet dreams.

  • Johnny Silverhand : He's fucked in the head, the world's fucked in the head, and YOU'RE fucked in the head because MY fucked up head is inside it. Guess if you wanna save the world, that's the first step; get fucked in the head.

  • Johnny Silverhand : Test of a person's true value? Death. Facing it, staring it down. You still got a chance to be somebody.

  • Johnny Silverhand : Sabotage a corpo power station, jump a corpo transport, kidnap a corpo suit...

    V (Male Player) : This a plug for the word corpo or do you have a point?

    Johnny Silverhand : Know what? You're starting to remind me of me, fifty years back. Minus the charisma... and impressive cock.

  • Rogue Amendiares : Johnny, remember the plan?

    Johnny Silverhand : Get the payload on the elevator, arm it, let gravity do its thing. Explosion rocks the foundation, tower crumbles - chaos, screaming, roll credits.

  • Johnny Silverhand : Swap meat for chrome, live a BD fantasy, whatever, but at the end of it all, it's the code you live by that defines who you are.

  • V (Male Player) : You're a dick, you know?

    Johnny Silverhand : And you're a cunt. Maybe we'll fit together after all.

  • V (Female Player) : Don't like it, Don't listen

    Johnny Silverhand : Oh, yeah, real mature! Not like I can cover my ears and go 'lalalalala' whenever you open your trap.

  • Johnny Silverhand : G'night, Vincent. Today was a good day.

  • Johnny Silverhand : G'night, Valarie. Today was a good day.

See also

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