84 of 105 found this to have none
A woman makes a joke about squirrels "holding their nuts".
A scene insinuates that a photo shows a man dressed as Santa Claus staring at a teenage girl's behind. The mother shows her disgust.
54 of 85 found this moderate
There is one slightly violent scene of people fighting over things over the store, people throw punches, kicks and some people fall into different objects, and a kid and man fight, and the kid is left with a bruise under his eye.
PG-13 violence type: blood and gore.
A man gets bitten on the leg (offscreen but very frightening). Some blood is shown later. The same character gets shot with a nail gun; there is a little blood. The same man is shot through the leg, and we see the wound.
A young kid is eaten alive by a jack-in-the-box toy
Some of the evil creatures are stabbed and shot with a shotgun. They ooze green gooey "blood." Not graphic--looks like slime.
60 of 103 found this mild
1 use of "fucked" (non-sexual)", 9 uses of "shit", 5 uses of "hell", 2 uses of "asshole", 5 uses of "ass", 2 uses of "bitch", 1 use of "son of a bitch", 1 use of "bastard", 3 uses of "damn", 2 uses of "goddamn", 1 use of "Oh Jesus", 1 use of "Jesus H. Almighty", 2 uses of "Christ", 1 use of "dick".
A couple of people use the word Asshole.
The curse word, "Goddamn", is used infrequently.
The word "bitch" is used.
Two F-words, one of which is barely audible and can only be detected via the subtitles.
55 of 79 found this mild
An older aunt, who doesn't like kids, shows 3 children how to make peppermint schnapps. Then when the chubby boy wants a taste, she shares it with him. When he tries it, he indicates that he doesn't like it.
A man pours alcohol into his coffee cup.
58 of 99 found this moderate
The appearance of Krampus may frighten some viewers.
Handful of jump scares throughout the film.
Some adults are attacked by menacing-looking toys, they manage to fend off the assault through the use of an axe, a knife and a shotgun.
A young girl is eaten alive by one of the toys
A Elf slames his hand against a car window at a very poor time.