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  • Great crime documentary save for one problem: Before every commercial break there's a run of upcoming scenes, and unless you're prepared to very quickly mute the TV and close your eyes, these will be spoilers. Viewers are supposed to be held in suspense. But when a "coming up" preview shows the person you LEAST suspect swinging a weapon ... that just ruins the suspense. We don't need the spoilers. I want to be sitting at the edge of my seat, wondering who's going to blow first. The inserted previews ruin this experience. I hope the director of this series sees my review. STOP THE SPOILERS!

    Muting the TV and closing one's eyes isn't a practical solution. Sometimes I'm caught off guard, or someone else in the room has the remote.
  • Decent series. Only they show highlights in the first couple minutes that show too much. Either watch 1st 5 minutes only or ignore and the remainder of the episode.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is always amazing to watch adults behave the way they do on this program. I know they exaggerate things for drama but I sometimes wonder if the real people in the stories really use some of the wording that is in these scripts. Do neighbors really call their neighbor's house a "pig-sty" or refer to the kids as "hoodlums" to the parents? Another thing that bothers me: the police in many of the stories seem to not want to be bothered with the persons calling on them for help. The story about the woman that was killed by the neighbor's dogs was especially frustrating, and horrifying. Nothing was done, even though she was threatened verbally or physically over and over. It was a very sad story.

    I've watched this show for years. I always like to wonder how I would behave in each situation. I'm a peace-keeper, but I don't know if that would matter in some of these situations.
  • It's called The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door on Channel 5. Just as appalling and shocking. But, with one minor difference. No one gets their head blown off.
  • Seeing neighbors kill each other over silly things like dog doo on their lawn will make you a nicer person. I no longer scream at people in my apartment building for minor etiquette infractions in the laundry room.
  • Complete with corny acting, everybody's right/nobody's wrong, overly intense narration, and genuine home surveillance footage at times. But that screeching, nails on chalkboard, sword coming from sheath, high pitch sound effect they play dozens of times per episode forces me to take breaks more than I want to.

    I hope the person who had the idea to add that wretched noise has sons who are only mediocre in sports.
  • This series features episodes based on actual cases where a dispute between neighbors escalate to the point they end in bloodshed. They use actors to play the families and neighbors involved in actual cases and recreate actual events of disputes that end tragically. I'm sure they take some dramatic license but they seem try to include the actual events that started the first conflict and subsequent escalation that ended in tragedy. How accurate these are I can't say but they do include commentary of actual members of the 2 or more families involved along with the actual neighbors and friends. So they recreate the story including some of the actual people providing their recollection of the events to tell the stories of tragic events. I watch it with with my 21 year-old son and we are both intrigued with the show. Regardless of how accurate the recreation by actors may be, the viewer does learn the final outcome. It certainly shows the viewer why you want to do everything you can to be good neighbors and how tragically things can end when you don't.
  • I wish they would leave this show on!!! It's one of my favorites!!!
  • joesive5 March 2023
    I've only watched a few episodes and like the series. Most shows I've seen end with gun violence. Tired of endings like this. Neighbours have to resort to shooting each other because the cops won't/can't help. Fix the fence so your dog won't get out. Make an easement to let neighbours get around. Simple solutions to dumb problems. The acting is decent. But who drives around holding their son while driving a tractor? If most people had working cameras,then that would solve many "who did that" problems. Nowadays its better off to walk away than "kick the hornets nest". I had a neighbour who thought he could rule me. My fence was too tall-it was grand-fathered in by the city. He also got me for parking to close to a driveway(has to be 6ft.)Back and forth we went. He eventually gave in,and we put a new fence up between us.(which was falling over and rotten)No more problems.
  • Fear Thy Neighbor is by far one of my favorite shows! My only gripe is that it will come on for a couple of months, then I won't see it for at least a year! We (my husb, our 3 kids & I) live in VA Beach. I wish whomever is causing this show to discontinue would stop that! I love it, and I hope it comes on again, and STAY ON long term!
  • I'm on season 6. Every single episode I have watched have ended with someone shooting the other neighbor but one. One guy set his neighbors house on fire but no knife or deaths that are related to anything else but guns. I seriously believe this series was made to make you think guns are bad however the people were bad not the guns. Like I said once you watch every episode you will see how every episode ends with a gun battle. I'm sure there other stories they could uses that would involve other incidences besides the use of guns. I really like the beginning of the series till it clicked in my brain of every episode ending with guns.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Yes I just watched that episode and I hope the wife Denise is happy she got her husband killed over land because she had to control everything and couldn't let those poor farmers get to their equipment. Sounds like her husband was a good man but had bad taste in women.
  • I am genuinely enthralled by this series. It's insane to me how different all these incidents are, yet the profile of the bloody climax is almost always the same. There's neighbors fighting over cleanliness of property, fences, property lines, kids, love triangles, noise, etc. The whole neighborhood is always aware of the escalation between the parties and most of the time the police were called (sometimes multiple times) with no result because there was lack of proof. It's almost always alpha males who want to go to literal war over property or some petty hill they want to die on. The feuds shown that often escalate to gun violence are almost inevitable. There are many bonafide FAFO situations that no one can do anything except watch it unfold like a train wreck. There's interviews with the families involved and stories told by helpless surrounding neighbors. Every incident goes way past the point of no return and escalates to a deadly ending. Gunfire, fires, destroyed property, firecrackers, fist fights, menacing with a vehicle, killing grass, killing pets, decapitation...and I'm only like 10 episodes in. It's insane. This is a showcase of human beings who are ticking time bombs. I always have a motto: I'm friendly with my neighbors, but I'm not their friend. After watching Fear Thy Neighbor, I feel even more justified in that belief. Lol.
  • It a like hate relationship with this show. I often wonder if these stories are of people with mental issues or they've left out critical details. It's one person that is confrontational without reason and one surreptitiously annoying person. The immaturity is amazing. No one says hey this is going too far and then avoids the other. Example: person says keep your dog off mg lawn, dog owner lets dog run free then feels victimized when the neighbor comes at him.
  • Bankslori8116 November 2021
    I love this show but apparently it's run is over because on here(IMDB) it's showing the years from 2014-2021!?? I guess that's answers my question of will there be a season 8!!?? Anyway I really did love this show but all good things must come to an end I guess!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Why didn't you give the whole story? Why didn't you share the fact that the lead detective doctored the evidence?? She cut the audio out of the video~without it the jury was prevented from hearing all the evidence. Even worse, the judge was fully aware and allowed it! That is grounds for, #1, a mistrial and, #2, censure by the Florida Bar.
  • I enjoyed this show and binge watched most of the episodes. This show tells true stories of arguments that go terribly wrong. Most of them begin innocently enough, but things get WAY out of hand. I hope people watch this show and realize that there are some things that just aren't worth it, and some things that can never be undone. I hope it makes them think twice before those things happen.

    What prompted me to review, though, is to correct an error in S6;E3. In this episode a Border Collie is shown to have killed chickens. The dog is eventually shot and killed. The show depicted the dog as a Border Collie, but a Border Collie is a very unlikely chicken killer. They are bred to, and instinctively protect domestic animals, even if they are not their own. A husky, mixed breed, or even a fox or coyote are the usual chicken killers. I am not sure if this family's dog was actually a Border Collie, or if the show simply chose this lovable, popular family pet to feature as their dog, but I feel they did the breed, and all herding dogs a disservice by portraying this dog this way. Most people may not notice the discrepancy, but some of us certainly do, and this breed does not deserve to be represented in this way.
  • mattoid-4560520 September 2023
    This show is ok. I'm binging the series and I'm on season 5. Anyway, really, really bad acting but the most annoying thing is the friggin Canadian accents! Whether the stories are supposed to be in Texas, South Carolina or Florida, it's obviously Canada. The producers don't even try to fake it! Snow and heavy coats with pine trees in Central Texas. Is it a big deal? No. It's just lazy. The show itself is a good time passer. Not great, not awful. It's definitely watchable. Another thing: Guns! Guns! Gun! There is mediation organizations out there that can help you with mutual disagreements. So, those are my gripes.
  • snowlily-3306519 March 2023
    I absolutely love this show! It's by far the best ID show of all the shows they make. The second best show of ID is Evil lives here. The stories on Fear thy neighbor are absolutely horrifying, shocking, and sad. However, the show is awesome. It gives first hand testimony of those involved, explains the whole situation, and how it escalates. I really hope they continue to make this show and that there is a season 9. I have actually watched every episode a few times because I cannot get enough. If you like true crime series, then I highly recommend watching this show. Once again ID, keep making this show!
  • One of the better true crime shows, this uses reenactments and sometimes actual footage, as well as interviews. The actors are usually very close matches to the real people, that's nice. Great gripping stories, but it's one of these shows that was on cable and shows "what's coming next" in the beginning, and a couple times during the episode. If you dont quickly fast forward it basically spoils the whole show and mystery. It will show you who did it and who's dead, very very frustrating when the show can be so gripping and engaging!

    Just cut those parts out especially now when we are all streaming.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Watching the whole episode feeling sorry for the old man with the dog. Seeing the nightmare family that moved in with the nasty kids, playing innocent since the beginning was terrible. I felt like screaming when I saw the testimony of the wife and the husband blaming all that was happen to the old man that just wanted a peace an quiet environment to live. This stupid couple was protected because the society couldn't blame a handcuff guy, just because his disability, but for me he is the one to blame since the beginning. He blame the neighbours dog for bitting his daughter but if she didn't go over to his neighbours house and kept the door closed, the dog would have never attacked her. This couple were the real neighbours from hell and I felt sorry for the old man that was shot by the police and lost his life over this bunch of junk, that will do again with the next neighbour for sure. Justice haven't been served in my point of view.
  • wnqsws18 June 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This show always amazes me on how immature people can be. Someone dies because no one knows when to say "stop or enough" like the one about the dog running through an opening in a fence. Leads to a shootout. Put a fence close the opening no more dog sneaking on to other side.
  • I am not the type of person that looks for issues but when I notice something it's hard to not notice it. After watching multiple season I came across a pretty clear pattern across all 7 seasons which is a tendency to point out racism from black Americans but not to them. The few episodes that did have to do with race involved a person almost always a black male who was racist against someone else the earliest was episode 3 of season 1. In episodes where even real life details point to the fact that there could have been racism towards African-Americans that's not included or talked about. Not sure what the agenda is with the writers and producers or what purpose it serves.
  • Too many episodes have no locations, interview people who have vague titles ("reporter," "investigator", etc), and no actual photos...even at the end. The episode "Tunnel of Hate" names no city or state. Officers wear uniforms and drive cars that are just labeled "Police." The reporter and police interview subjects just have first names. No credibility, unlike the HLN neighbor conflict show.
  • Fricken dumb also boring i hate to be negative but there are much better shows than fear thy neighbor