Filmed in 2015 but not released until 2017. It was intended to play in theatres until Netflix acquired the rights for streaming. It was released in October on Friday the 13th.
In the original script, Sonya was the cheerleader, Allison was a journalist for the school paper, John was called "John the Baptist" and Max had dreadlocks. The characters were later reimagined to more closely reflect stereotypes of slasher movie victims, only in this film, they're the antagonists. The revelation of Allison's desire to become a journalist was kept from the original concept of her character, only now it's much more humorous.
The movie that Bee and Cole are watching outside with the projector (approx. 18 minutes into the movie) is "Billy Jack (1971)".
The screenplay for the film was featured on the 2014 blacklist, a list of the "most liked" unproduced screenplays of the year.
The makeout scene between Bee and Allison was not in the original script.