Keith Ferguson credited as playing...
Lord Hater
- Lord Hater: [to Wander] Remember, no talking this time.
- [Wander nods. Hater turns to the camera, and talks sarcastically]
- Lord Hater: Oops, did I interrupt your show? Good! I, Lord Hater, planetary conqueror and number one superstar, have taken over your airwaves to give you the privilege of witnessing my most impressive and evil deed unfold, LIIIIVE! To prove once and for all that I am the greatest in the galaxy, I will destroy my most hated enemy, Wander!
- [He turns to look at Wander, who has a big, goofy grin on his face]
- Lord Hater: What? Why are you-? Okay, just ignore it... For too long, Wander has thwarted my diabolical deeds, and...
- [He notices that Wander is still smiling]
- Lord Hater: Stop smiling! You're about to be destroyed! Make a scared face!
- [Wander thinks for a moment, and then makes an over-the-top 'scared' face, sort of like Munch's 'The Scream']
- Lord Hater: No, no, no, that's all wrong! You look like you've just won the lottery! It's like this!
- [He demonstrates by cowering, then gives an 'Okay?' gesture to Wander. Wander nods, and then makes a silly face]
- Lord Hater: No.
- [Wander makes another silly face]
- Lord Hater: Dumb.
- [Wander makes yet another silly face]
- Lord Hater: Wrong.
- [And yet another one]
- Lord Hater: What?
- [And another]
- Lord Hater: That's not even-!
- [Wander's face is now a caricature of Jack McBrayer's. Hater growls in frustration. Wander then makes another silly face]
- Lord Hater: Oh, gross!
- [Hater slams his head on his podium and then turns back over to Wander]
- Lord Hater: Look, if you can't take this seriously then I'm just gonna shut this whole thing down!
- [Wander trembles and cowers]
- Lord Hater: That's perfect!
- [Wander is pleased by this and gives a big, beaming smile]
- Lord Hater: NO!