The button which Debbie pops off of Claude's shirt is pearlescent black. When she shows the button to Lou, it is white.
Yen wears special goggles that allow him to see the laser beams in order to maneuver around them. As he makes his way to the jewels, however, he is clearly wearing them on his forehead.
Amita locks the door after she enters the bathroom, yet does not unlock the door before opening it for Constance.
It is raining when the gang are on their way to The Met, but the street where the catering truck is parked, and Fifth Avenue (where The Met is located) are bone-dry.
As Debbie crosses an item off her list with her left hand, we see a green sleeve, but when she lifts the cup of tea with her left hand moments later, we see a watch and no green sleeve.
There shouldn't be a diaper changer station in the kitchen restroom, as babies are banned from commercial kitchens for health reasons.
As Nine Ball tries to crack the password to Damanian's computer, it shows the letters being discovered independently of each other. In reality, this is not possible. The computers themselves don't know the password; only a "hash digest" with which they can determine if the password is correct or not.
Rose notes that the job was meant to keep her from going to jail for tax delinquency. One can go to jail for not filing taxes, lying on their returns, or for evasion, but not for being unable to pay their taxes. That said, the IRS can impose severe penalties, as it has done to Rose already.
When Nine Ball hacks into Damanian's computer, she uses an application which feeds a huge number of possible password iterations into the login. However, any modern security application such as the one on Damanian's network would automatically lock the account after a small number of failed logins.
A reporter's voice-over says that the painting Banksy sneaks into the Metropolitan Museum of Art depicts America's "founding mothers". However, the figure holding the rifle is Marianne, symbol of the French Republic, from the painting "Liberty Leading the People" by Eugène Delacroix.
When Amita is introduced she is grading diamonds. Shortly after she uses a Jeweler's loupe to look out the window at Debbie who is at least across the street. A jeweler's loupe has a focal range of between 1.5" and 10". Anything beyond 10" would be blurry beyond recognition.
It's inconceivable that Vogue would hire Lou as the Gala's "nutritionist" based solely on Tammy's recommendation before conducting a thorough background check. Likewise, Constance and Amita would each have been subjected to a thorough background check by The Met. However, as they are accomplished criminals, it is likely they were able to fake the necessary checks.
In real life, Debbie and Lou would not have been allowed backstage to Rose's show without Rose's permission.
However, as Debbie and Lou are shown to be accomplished criminals, they likely stole security passes, faked their way onto the guest list, or otherwise conned their way past the event staff.
However, as Debbie and Lou are shown to be accomplished criminals, they likely stole security passes, faked their way onto the guest list, or otherwise conned their way past the event staff.
Constance is shown leaving the men's room instead of the women's room.
Constance moves from the ladies' room to the men's room as she plants the necklace. This is why she is later shown exiting from the men's room when the all clear is given.
Constance moves from the ladies' room to the men's room as she plants the necklace. This is why she is later shown exiting from the men's room when the all clear is given.
Lawerence tells Rose and Amita that Cartier wouldn't know how to insure the Toussaint, then Cartier takes out an insurance policy for the Toussaint with Frazier's firm.
Lawerence is trying to discourage them. When Rose and Amita refuse to take the hint, Delarue-Broussard flat-out refuses to lend them the Toussaint.
The theme of the Gala is "Historical Fashion of European Royalty" (according to The Met's "The Scepter and the Orb" poster), yet none of the attendees are in keeping with the theme. Indeed, for an event famous for its outrageous, over-the-top haute couture, everyone is dressed as though their clothes came off the rack.
As Nine Ball watches Damanian's live feed as he looks at the page she sent him, at the top it shows the live feed file name ending with ".jpeg".
When Nine Ball is looking at the Facebook search results and sees Damanian's profile, she is clearly not logged in. Then when she clicks on the profile, it takes her to his profile page, where she is logged in as Damanian. You can see the enter Username and Password input boxes are gone and the normal Facebook buttons are in the toolbar. Also on the cover photo, it shows the Update Info and Views Activity Log buttons. It also shows the status update box which says "What's on your mind?", which is only there if you are on your own Facebook page. This makes no sense as she never logged in.
Debbie's name should not come up on Tammy's phone because Debbie would be calling her either from the phone Debbie "purchased" or from Lou's phone.
Debbie leaves prison in the dress she was arrested in. In reality, there would have been months between her arrest, conviction, and sentencing. She would have reported to prison in different clothing.
Lou tells Debbie the IRS has "impounded" Rose's passport due to her tax delinquency (which it can do under IRC § 7345), then notes that Rose and Anna Wintour spend every Easter at Kent. Since Rose can use her Irish passport to travel, the IRS revoking her US passport is redundant.
None of the ladies in the ladies room notices Constance enter, enter the first stall, then crawl under the next two stalls, locking each door.
Nine Ball could have directed the gang from any location. Using the food truck as a front was both unnecessary and a waste of money.
Despite recording Debbie and Dina openly discussing their cigarette smuggling operation, the Department of Corrections takes no action against them. In real life, Debbie would have been rearrested and Dina would have been fired.
Rueben tells Debbie that Danny thought her plan was "brilliant", and she'd wind up back in jail. If the plan is brilliant (i.e. foolproof), why did Danny think Debbie would wind up back in jail?
Frazier gets out of the taxi, then looks at the skyscraper across the street, indicating that is where Cartier is. Cartier is located at 653 5th Avenue, former home of financier Morton Plant. Pierre Cartier bought it from Plant in 1917 for a necklace of double strand natural pearls for Plant's wife, valued at the time at $1 million.
Since the necklace is symmetrical, they only needed to scan half of it to 3-D print it, which would save almost half of the time and arouse less suspicion.
The Met security would have done a "head count" of every employee, yet no one asks about or looks for Constance, Amita, or Lou.
Nine Ball tells Debbie that she needs to "clean up" her digital footprint before Debbie can set her plan into motion. The irony of that statement is that the girls (including Nine Ball) create even-more digital footprints by using their smartphones.
Debbie is supposedly the one who came up with the complete plan, yet it's Tammy who comes up with the 3-D printer, the special glasses, and the auction ladies.
As expert as Constance is at sleight-of-hand, there is no way the Met's security cameras would not have caught her passing something to Tammy, Nine Ball, Debbie, and Rose.
Cartier's security is not supposed to let Daphne out of their sight, yet she and Becker sneak away for a make-out session.
Constance looks over the watch she just took from her mark as she hugs him in full view of the crowd around them.
Debbie's and Lou's PowerPoint presentation and model of The Met are not only unnecessary, it increases their evidence trail.
Rose has her smartphone too close to her to be able to take video of Yuri uncoupling The Toussaint.
Despite the sign warning that security cameras are recording audio and video, Debbie and Dina openly discuss their illicit side hustle.