30 reviews
I don't allow my 15 month old daughter to watch much TV but once in a while I allow her to watch educational shows. Word Party is one of the few things that really holds her attention. The show uses vibrant colors and is supposed to teach babies different words. Although the songs are a bit repetitive and seem to be the same ones every episode my baby really likes it, and this has given her a chance to familiarize herself with the songs. She loves this show but I would appreciate if they taught better behavior, the fact that LuLu throws temper tantrums (i.e spitting, whining, crying on the floor) doesn't help reinforce the good habits I try to instill in my child. I understand she is supposed to be a "baby" but not all babies act like this. My child sees Lulu acting this way and indiscriminately imitates without realizing that lulu's behavior is only being held accountable by other babies and not a mother who grew up in Brooklyn who seriously doesn't play that. My child never spat at anyone before watching this show now it's my job to teach her not to do this. The producers should really take this into consideration...ijs
- chefanuamen
- May 21, 2017
- Permalink
I am rating this for the parents, not the kids, because we're the ones who have to endure this being on in the background.
There are plenty of other shows out there that teach the same lessons without the cringey character voices in the background. Word Party does teach some good lessons ("Let's not fight, it's not right!"), but the downside is an audio assault on your ears that will test your patience.
Skip Word Party and go for Storybots instead. It's an infinitely better show, and way less irritating and repetitive.
There are plenty of other shows out there that teach the same lessons without the cringey character voices in the background. Word Party does teach some good lessons ("Let's not fight, it's not right!"), but the downside is an audio assault on your ears that will test your patience.
Skip Word Party and go for Storybots instead. It's an infinitely better show, and way less irritating and repetitive.
This is a new kind of awful. My eyebrows became sore after only a few minutes of watching this because they were so furrowed. This is for sure a show that I won't let my kid watch, just because of the shear annoyance level. It's really really terrible.
- deadmenandsinners
- Jan 5, 2022
- Permalink
My kids learn a lot from this show and they could probably watch it all day. I hope there is SEASON 4.
- angelakonow
- May 12, 2018
- Permalink
My god is this show obnoxious! Way too hyper and loud for the audience they want to attract. This is supposed to help toddlers learn words and pronounciation, but how can they when the dialogue, which is simply cringe worthy, is contantly accompanied with loud music, bells and wistles.
The voice acting is just horrible and done by adults with a high pitch auto tune, and spoken in a way no kid would ever talk or relate to. Come on guys, there are enough talented child actors that would do a great job at this.
And yes, I know this is a show for kids so I shouldn't hold it to the standard of most adult shows. But I do judge it by how much it entertains or educates my 2 year old, which it absolutely doesn't. At no point does my kid feel the need to interact with the characters and she simply walks away, focussed on literally anything else.
The voice acting is just horrible and done by adults with a high pitch auto tune, and spoken in a way no kid would ever talk or relate to. Come on guys, there are enough talented child actors that would do a great job at this.
And yes, I know this is a show for kids so I shouldn't hold it to the standard of most adult shows. But I do judge it by how much it entertains or educates my 2 year old, which it absolutely doesn't. At no point does my kid feel the need to interact with the characters and she simply walks away, focussed on literally anything else.
- jenn-s-wals
- Mar 24, 2023
- Permalink
My baby has been attracted to this show since 2 months old! Now, at 8 months, she absolutely loves it! She looks straight to the tv when we ask if wants to watch word party. Me and my husband know every word to every song, if we sing them ever thru out the day she gets so excited and will clap and bounce along to us singing. There is not much to buy out there. My grandmother watched her and does not have Netflix. We would love to buy the dad's. We are doing her first birthday theme as Word Party...I have managed to figure out enough stuff to do so. I need this show to be more known cause my baby loves it and hard to find this stuff. Amazon is the only place that has a few things to buy...but not much! This show is captivating for little ones....brilliant how they have mostly white walls and floors and all the rest is extremely colorful and makes it really stand out. When the baby animals are singing or dancing my baby will not look away. She loves it!
- pbeasleypb
- Sep 6, 2018
- Permalink
I understand that this is for little kids, but I absolutely hate the theme song and despise all the characters except for Bailey. If these were kids, I wouldn't let my 3 year old play with them. Lulu is just painful to listen too.
- Defected74
- Dec 25, 2020
- Permalink
My 2 year old daughter has loved word party since she was 10 months old. She is the shows biggest fan! Its so cute. So sweet. It really teaches her words. She sings along with the songs. She has all 4 stuffed animals. They go everywhere with her. She is word party's biggest fan!
- jfjsanchez
- Jan 13, 2018
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It looks like they've used the same motion capture technique as "Foodfight!": the claimed worst animated movie of all time.
Meaning, they move like old men or like the type of English teenager who would unironically use the term "cheeky nandos", because although they were born in Birmingham they insist that they were born in Compton. This style is a little distracting and odd when the characters are all supposed to be babies.
Additionally, the voices of these characters are intolerable. I don't know if it's me but the sound of these grown adults painfully trying to put on baby voices makes me (for lack of a better word) cringe. It's very reminiscent of the voices your siblings would use to insultingly mimic you.
I know that as a viewer older than 4, I'm most likely not the target demographic, and my younger sister of 4 years does seem to enjoy the show. However, my little sister also went through a phase of spinning around until she fell over and hit her head, and she thought that was pretty fun too. So maybe children don't know what's best for themselves.
It seems like a lot of people use the fact that they're making a children's show as an excuse for bad quality. I'm not asking for a complex and detailed story arc, just half decent voice acting that isn't below the language quality of its audience, and some sort of quality control for the animation. There's little wrong with the lessons the show is trying to teach (e.g. go to sleep when your told, eat your vegetables, don't make a mess, yada yada...), but there's nothing individual about the show as goes for all Netflix children show originals.
The show might make a few pennies while it lasts because young children will always watch shows with bright colours for a short time, but as time goes on and they find something better the show will soon be forgotten and brushed under the rug. Advice to Netflix: how about you only make a new show if you have an original or interesting idea, you do call them "Netflix Originals" after all.
Meaning, they move like old men or like the type of English teenager who would unironically use the term "cheeky nandos", because although they were born in Birmingham they insist that they were born in Compton. This style is a little distracting and odd when the characters are all supposed to be babies.
Additionally, the voices of these characters are intolerable. I don't know if it's me but the sound of these grown adults painfully trying to put on baby voices makes me (for lack of a better word) cringe. It's very reminiscent of the voices your siblings would use to insultingly mimic you.
I know that as a viewer older than 4, I'm most likely not the target demographic, and my younger sister of 4 years does seem to enjoy the show. However, my little sister also went through a phase of spinning around until she fell over and hit her head, and she thought that was pretty fun too. So maybe children don't know what's best for themselves.
It seems like a lot of people use the fact that they're making a children's show as an excuse for bad quality. I'm not asking for a complex and detailed story arc, just half decent voice acting that isn't below the language quality of its audience, and some sort of quality control for the animation. There's little wrong with the lessons the show is trying to teach (e.g. go to sleep when your told, eat your vegetables, don't make a mess, yada yada...), but there's nothing individual about the show as goes for all Netflix children show originals.
The show might make a few pennies while it lasts because young children will always watch shows with bright colours for a short time, but as time goes on and they find something better the show will soon be forgotten and brushed under the rug. Advice to Netflix: how about you only make a new show if you have an original or interesting idea, you do call them "Netflix Originals" after all.
- FranklyGorshin
- Oct 27, 2016
- Permalink
I prefer my kid watch this to improve his vocabulary. But it is increasingly as adopting mandarin language and this confuses my kids. STOP FORCING US TO LEARN MANDARIN. There are numerous avenues for learning foreign languages...
- rj_getgoing
- Apr 9, 2021
- Permalink
I get that it is a show to try and teach little tinies new words, but I very much dislike it. My little brother is almost 2, and picks up words very well, but so far I haven't heard him say anything from it, just say what colour something is.
Their voices made me curl up in a ball when I first heard them. Why must they put on baby voicing that much? It makes me imagine the voice actors cringing when reading lines out.
The animation seems decent at first glance, but something is obviously odd about it. I thought the movements were okay, and so were the textures, but have you seen them talking? First of all, they don't have moving tongues! Just shaded out pink in the back of their throat. I don't know whether that was the odd choice of style they were going for, or if they were just lazy. The animation is just disturbing.
They reuse songs over and over so while sitting in the other room I am just thinking to myself "What, are there like only 4 episodes?".
I suppose that it has sliiiight potential to teach kids words, but through those babied voices it is hard for me to even retain the knowledge of what any word means. I can't imagine my brother picking it up very well ( though, just a minute ago he copied them in saying "big kiiids"but I don't think that is what they were aiming for ).
I think a many negative things on this bane to my ears, but I want to be positive. It is cool that.... they call them big kids ( creepy also ) I guess. Makes little dudes feel... superior?... I don't know. I just...argh.
I find it hard to like shows that could very likely cause my brother speak in a very babied voice. What I don't get about these sort of shows is babies speak in a more melodic, and actually word like way than they do in this show.
Their voices made me curl up in a ball when I first heard them. Why must they put on baby voicing that much? It makes me imagine the voice actors cringing when reading lines out.
The animation seems decent at first glance, but something is obviously odd about it. I thought the movements were okay, and so were the textures, but have you seen them talking? First of all, they don't have moving tongues! Just shaded out pink in the back of their throat. I don't know whether that was the odd choice of style they were going for, or if they were just lazy. The animation is just disturbing.
They reuse songs over and over so while sitting in the other room I am just thinking to myself "What, are there like only 4 episodes?".
I suppose that it has sliiiight potential to teach kids words, but through those babied voices it is hard for me to even retain the knowledge of what any word means. I can't imagine my brother picking it up very well ( though, just a minute ago he copied them in saying "big kiiids"but I don't think that is what they were aiming for ).
I think a many negative things on this bane to my ears, but I want to be positive. It is cool that.... they call them big kids ( creepy also ) I guess. Makes little dudes feel... superior?... I don't know. I just...argh.
I find it hard to like shows that could very likely cause my brother speak in a very babied voice. What I don't get about these sort of shows is babies speak in a more melodic, and actually word like way than they do in this show.
- leilaamferguson
- Mar 20, 2017
- Permalink
I'm gonna be honest. This is my least favorite show that my daughter watches but it is her favorite. She always asks for it.
- adriannemaiden
- Oct 18, 2020
- Permalink
My baby sister watches this show and and it instills in her a level of apathy that I have so far only seen in high school seniors at the end of the year. While many babies ask for TV shows by name such as Sesame Street or Elmo, but in my experience kids simply don't care about Word Party.
Again to compare this show with Sesame Street, someone who is casually supervising a child while they watch TV probably wouldn't mind listening to Sesame Street. There was even a Karate Kid parody that I thought was pretty clever. On the flip side, Word Party is an excruciating experience for anyone in the general vicinity. The actors' voices are earsplitting and the animation looks like a more expensive version of Johnny Johnny Yes Papa. The former point brings me to my next grievance.
The songs of Word Party are not good. Even the opening theme song sets up a rhythm, then breaks it. This is very jarring and unpleasant.
You may think "Hey, at least it's teaching my kids new words, right? However, the actors' baby voices and bad pronunciation may be doing more harm than good. Not to mention LuLu's constant bad behavior may rub off on young and impressionable children. I can't even watch this show for the "so bad it's good" value, because it literally hurts my ears.
In summary, this show has no merit to any of the demographics who could possibly enjoy it. Even if your kid loves it, it's painful to even listen to. There are plenty of other children's shows that do not make you want to cut your ears off with a rusty spoon.
Again to compare this show with Sesame Street, someone who is casually supervising a child while they watch TV probably wouldn't mind listening to Sesame Street. There was even a Karate Kid parody that I thought was pretty clever. On the flip side, Word Party is an excruciating experience for anyone in the general vicinity. The actors' voices are earsplitting and the animation looks like a more expensive version of Johnny Johnny Yes Papa. The former point brings me to my next grievance.
The songs of Word Party are not good. Even the opening theme song sets up a rhythm, then breaks it. This is very jarring and unpleasant.
You may think "Hey, at least it's teaching my kids new words, right? However, the actors' baby voices and bad pronunciation may be doing more harm than good. Not to mention LuLu's constant bad behavior may rub off on young and impressionable children. I can't even watch this show for the "so bad it's good" value, because it literally hurts my ears.
In summary, this show has no merit to any of the demographics who could possibly enjoy it. Even if your kid loves it, it's painful to even listen to. There are plenty of other children's shows that do not make you want to cut your ears off with a rusty spoon.
- ellierjones
- Jul 9, 2019
- Permalink
Cute show, my 5 month old seems to like it. I enjoy dancing and singing the songs with her. It's not too busy or overwhelming which is nice.
It's a show for babies and toddlers, if you're going to critique the voices and animation frame by frame you've seriously chosen the wrong show. Please get a better hobby.
- wpgsamantha
- Jul 10, 2019
- Permalink
This Show Is Awful, I Am Not Posting This By Fun, But I Liked It Very Much At First, But The Characters Become Very Annoying Because They Sing Their Annoying Songs. And Lulu Is Very Annoying And Bad-Behaved. And To Top It, The Soundtrack Is Very Awful!
And Also The Animation Looks Disturbing, I Like Learning With Another Shows Like Little Ellen, But Not With This Garbage. Better Look Towards Up, Friend, Hey Duggee, Bluey, And Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Or Better Watch Encanto.
Cast: 8/10 Animation: 2/10 Characters' Behavior 1/10 Soundtrack/ -9999999/10.
I Hope A Season 6 Or A New Spin-Off Of This Series Doesn't Be Out
I'm Very Annoyed With This Disturbing Show >:(.
Skip Word Party And Choose Momonsters Instead, It's A Less Annoying Show And That Also Is Educative.
And Also The Animation Looks Disturbing, I Like Learning With Another Shows Like Little Ellen, But Not With This Garbage. Better Look Towards Up, Friend, Hey Duggee, Bluey, And Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Or Better Watch Encanto.
Cast: 8/10 Animation: 2/10 Characters' Behavior 1/10 Soundtrack/ -9999999/10.
I Hope A Season 6 Or A New Spin-Off Of This Series Doesn't Be Out
I'm Very Annoyed With This Disturbing Show >:(.
Skip Word Party And Choose Momonsters Instead, It's A Less Annoying Show And That Also Is Educative.
- Roberto_The_Android
- May 20, 2022
- Permalink
My baby granddaughter has been watching this show since she was only 3 months old. No matter how much I try to find her something new, she is only ever happily focused on Word Party. She is sitting on the floor, right now, at 8 months old and just loves the songs and characters.
The only thing I would like to see changed, is that the babies are not always told YES to any request they ask for, and to see/learn how to handle being told NO.
Hope the show continues to produce more series!
- domipickle
- Dec 17, 2018
- Permalink
My young one loves this show. Unfortunately, with the release of season 5 they added an unnecessary new character who's entire purpose is to infect the show with Mandarin - a language very unimportant and confusing for any babies or toddlers in the US who are busy trying to soak up English. On top of that, the Mandarin spoken in the show is skewed in contorted as if spoken by a baby, which makes all the aspects of the language run together and sound the same.
If the goal is to simply broaden the vocabulary horizons of its young viewers beyond English (which again, they're watching this show because they don't know English well yet, and the show is supposed to be explicitly for that purpose).. Doesn't Spanish make a ton more sense?
What's the point, if not for some kind of agenda?
Oops, my apologies.. I meant Rúguo bùshì wèile mou zhong yìchéng, nà you shé me yìyì ne?
If the goal is to simply broaden the vocabulary horizons of its young viewers beyond English (which again, they're watching this show because they don't know English well yet, and the show is supposed to be explicitly for that purpose).. Doesn't Spanish make a ton more sense?
What's the point, if not for some kind of agenda?
Oops, my apologies.. I meant Rúguo bùshì wèile mou zhong yìchéng, nà you shé me yìyì ne?
- tylerchapman-59042
- Dec 16, 2022
- Permalink
My nephew loves this show. Hes turning 2 and we will be throwing him a word party bday party because he loves it so much. Im shocked the rating is so low because it shouldnt be. I hope this show becomes more popular so more toys are made. Its either etsy or diy decorations at this point. Keep up the good work Jim Henson! Ive always loved you!
This show makes my sister happy alot, that if we try to turn it off she will cry.shes 16 months as of now and have been watching it for a while since she was younger, i tell you no other show will make her this happy, she kisses lulu in the netflix happy birthdya word party special, she will laugh when they are running or make a silly face.
please add more silly faces, running and kissing the screen scenes to the show.
please add more silly faces, running and kissing the screen scenes to the show.
My daughter is the BIGGEST Word Party fan. It's consistently her favorite show and the characters are lovesble with educational elements. The songs are very catchy and sweet. They also discuss life issues like using the potty, sharing, expressing your feelings, and conflict resolution to name a few. I feel very comfortable how much she loves the show and the fact it is educational yet still enjoyable. It also isn't unbearable for parents and it almost is kind of relaxing because of its simplicity.
My daughter is currently two and has been watching Word Party for a couple months. She can (sort of) say opposites and turns the light on and off and says light, dark, opposite. She points up and down and says what they are. She says No Fight! She loves LuLu though I find her to be a bit annoying. My daughter watches this show every chance she gets. I was sick of it and tried to watch another toddler show and realized why this one works. They speak slower and repeat the words often so kids are able to pick up on them.
- darlings-42443
- Jan 16, 2019
- Permalink
My 2 year old son loves football and this show. He's literally glued to the TV once he sees the Netflix icon pop up.
I like that it teaches colors and words- it's not just another colorful cartoon. Since my son has been out of daycare, it helps me at times where I just need a break (and I don't have to feel guilty about it)! It tends to repeat songs, but I'm guessing that's part of the learning process. I hope one day my son will learn to sing along.
I like that it teaches colors and words- it's not just another colorful cartoon. Since my son has been out of daycare, it helps me at times where I just need a break (and I don't have to feel guilty about it)! It tends to repeat songs, but I'm guessing that's part of the learning process. I hope one day my son will learn to sing along.
- avery-79509
- Feb 20, 2021
- Permalink
Happy Baby, Happy Mom. I don't like to have the little in front of the screen much, but she has watched this for the past 5 months (11mo now) and she loves it! The music and characters capture her attention and she tries to dance along with them. The tunes are catchy and not annoying, and the 'big kids' in the house are always singing along. Love!
- nicoleshen
- Jun 16, 2019
- Permalink