Rodger Dunbarton: Excuse me, but I believe you're in my seats.
Frank Murphy: Huh? No, no, no. These are ours man keep it moving.
Frank Murphy: Here, I'll show you the tickets.
Frank Murphy: Get those out of my face. These are company seats, pal. They belong to Mohican Airways do you see that? Mohican Airways.
[points to Mohican Airways sign behind him]
Frank Murphy: Do you belong to Mohican Airways?
Rodger Dunbarton: I am Mohican Airways! I'm Roger Dunbarton, the CEO.
Frank Murphy: Oh, oh, no! Mr. Dunbarton! Mr. Dunbarton, I'm so sorry. Frank Murphy baggage department.
[to his son]
Frank Murphy: Take your hat off, Bill.
Rodger Dunbarton: Murphy, yes. You recently got promoted. Bob Pogo's been singing your praises. That is when that whale isn't singing the Oscar Meyer Weiner Song.
Rodger Dunbarton, Frank Murphy: [both laughing]
Rodger Dunbarton: Get out of my seats.
Frank Murphy: Oh yes. I'm sorry. Bill, you're in the man's seat.