Uncharted has become a fan-darling for good reason: because the games themselves have fantastic gameplay, stories and characters that leave a good chunk of Hollywood's modern film rosters to shame; Nathan Drake is like the spiritual son of Indiana Jones, Elena Fisher is like the Marion Ravenwood, and Victor 'Sully' Sullivan is like if Sean Connery evoked modern day Robert De Niro with touches of Al Pacino and Sam Rockwell (at least to me personally). The synergy of the games is also like the original Indiana Jones Trilogy too; the pacing and character chemistry is like a great Hollywood film where they care about their interactions 110%.
This collection, to top off the already great games that they were on the PS3, rebuilds them as consistent 60-fps experiences running at a photo-genetically-gorgeous 1080p. This collection, alongside Uncharted 4, are MUST-PLAYS for any devoted gaming (or PlayStation) aficionados out there. Simply put: a beautiful compilation for a fantastic franchise that's been around since good ol' 2007.
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is worth EVERY cent/penny/subscription-discount you can get your hands on, and it's a PlayStation PILLAR.
This collection is a 5/5 star achievement.