controller: Image Engine
visual effects
digital artist: visual effects
matchmove & rotoanimation: MPC
fx artist
head of layout: MPC Montreal
previsualization artist: Proof, Inc
modeling td
lighting td
digital compositor
pre-visualization artist
matchmove and rotoanim artist
visual effects artist
asset supervisor
senior compositor
head of layout department: MPC Montreal
production operations associate
digital compositor: mpc
visual effects supervisor: Exceptional Minds
matchmove artist
environment artist: MPC
digital compositor: MPC films
groom lead technical director
senior lighting artist
lighting artist: visual effects
previz artist
software developer
lead rigging td: MPC
digital matte painter
previs artist: Proof, Inc
Prep Artist: Trace Vfx / visual effects
digital designer
matte painter
matchmove & rotoanim artist (as Bhat Shridhar)
senior prep artist: Trace VFX
matchmove & rotoanim supervisor mpc
visual effects coordinator: MPC
visual effects supervisor
2d supervisor
visual effects coordinator
modelling td: MPC
visual effects editor
layout artist
production assistant
senior software developer
fx td: mpc
matchmove and rotoanim artist: MPC
digital compositor: lead
visual effects executive producer (graphics segment)
digital compositor: MPC
lead data wrangler
visual effects producer
Lighting TD: MPC
lighting artist
animator: MPC
visual effects editor: MPC
postvis artist: Proof Inc.
environment key artist: MPC
digital compositor: Proof, Inc
global head of layout: MPC
visual effects technical director: Final Light VFX
visual effect assistant: MPC Montreal
digital artist (as Kush Ramchandra Dhir)
lead render systems engineer: MPC
digital matte painter: MPC
visual effects producer: Furious FX
visual effects supervisor: Image Engine (as Keegan Douglas)
lead texture artist: MPC
postvis artist: Proof Inc
fx artist: MPC
visual effects artist: Modeller TD
visual effects producer: MPC
visual effects executive producer: MPC
lead texture artist
fx td: MPC
lighting artist: MPC
Texture and LookDev Artist
visual effects artist: compositor
prep/paint artist
postvisualization artist: Proof, Inc
software analyst: MPC
prep artist
visual effects project manager
compositor: Furious VFX / compositor: Proof, Inc
lead environment: MPC
technical animator: MPC
visual effects department manager: MPC
previs artist: MPC
creature effects
visual effects executive
visual effects artist: Matchmove & Rotoanim
Visual Effects Coordinator: 20th Century Studios
digital artist: MPC
post-vis compositor: Proof, Inc.
bodytrack artist
lead animator: MPC
software developer: MPC
matchmove and rotoanim: MPC
modelling and texturing artist
environment artist
machmove artist
effects technical director
senior imaging engineer: MPC
roto/paint artist
visual effects supervisor: Furious Fx
creature fx: MPC
matchmove & rotoanim artist: MPC
matchmove artist: MPC
senior digital compositor
texture and lookdev artist: MPC
Matchmove & Rotomation Artist : MPC
cg supervisor: MPC
cg supervisor
postvis artist: Proof, Inc
visual effects marketing
head of production: MPC, Montreal
layout artist: MPC
lead layout artist
previs producer: MPC
visual effects production assistant: MPC
lead lookdev artist: MPC
Roto Artist
Roto Artist: MPC film
digital artist / matchmove artist
lead creature fx
technical animator/cloth td: mpc
previsualization artist: Proof
digital artist
lead digital artist
technical animator
matchmove artist: MPC / roto animation artist: MPC
key senior paint artist
modeling artist
technical assistant: Image Engine
lead software developer
vfx compositor: MPC
vfx intern: 20th century fox
visual effects artist: digital compositor
Visual Effects Artist at MPC
Central Production Manager
Team TD: MPC
technical director: MPC
Technical Animator
lead digital compositor
visual effects artist (as Sahoo Manisha)
visual effects artist: for Exceptional Minds [us]
render wrangler: MPC
roto artist
matchmove & rotoanimation artist
texturing td
3D modelling artist: Modelling Artist MPC
visual effects production coordinator: MPC
previsualization supervisor: Proof, Inc
matchmove artist / visual effects artist
vfx production assistant
senior creature modeller
Senior FX TD: MPC
digital artist: MPC (as Raghuram S)
Character artist/Modeling TD at MPC
visual effects artist: for exceptional minds [us]
senior technical animator
vfx production coordinator: MPC
environment td: MPC Film Montreal
software production coordinator: mpc film
fx discipline td: MPC
visual effects coordinator (as Kat Elliott)
compositing supervisor: MPC
senior fx technical director: MPC
production manager: MPC
finance director / visual effects executive producer: Image Engine
modeler: Proof, Inc / postvis artist: Proof Inc.
visual effects coordinator: FURIOUS FX
visualization executive producer
visual effects assistant
texture td
3D lookdev lead: MPC
finance director
texture artist: visual effects
fx artist / visual effects artist
visual effects artist: MPC
senior effects technical director: MPC
screen graphics producer
visual effects production assistant (uncredited)
production operations engineer: MPC (uncredited)
senior software analyst: MPC (uncredited)
software developer: MPC (uncredited)
visual effects coordinator (uncredited)
head of studio: MPC (uncredited)
production operation associate (uncredited)
cyber scanning and lidar services: : Industrial Pixel visual effects company (uncredited)
department manager: MPC London (uncredited)
visual effects artist (uncredited)