Frightening & Intense Scenes (8)

  • Severe
  • The gun fighting might scare some viewers due to the gunshots of the weapons
  • The ending of season 1 can be shocking
  • Violence can be disturbing and/or graphic
  • This series has graphic violence. The series also is pretty dark.
  • This series has lots of violent, dark, gross and distirbing-to-watch scenes.
  • Lots of emotional scenes are in El marginal that could make the viewers feel bad or just emotional.
  • S2 E5 and S2 E6 has a scene where Patricio appears to be the innocent one and the woman the guilty one. This is shocking as the audience did not know that Pedro has been innocent this whole time after she has confessed that she killed her husband (if this makes sense).
  • Ending of season 2 is surprising and very emotional.