7 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 80Los Angeles TimesMichael RechtshaffenLos Angeles TimesMichael RechtshaffenIn Disney’s hands, William eschews freak show theatrics for something much weightier.
- 75Film ThreatNick Rocco ScaliaFilm ThreatNick Rocco ScaliaThis is a unique, well-acted, handsomely produced movie, overall, the kind of thoughtful and wholesome, high-concept drama that you don’t see much, anymore.
- 63Movie NationRoger MooreMovie NationRoger Moore“William” lacks the fireworks or even high drama that would give it scale or stakes, that would make it more consequential. And its moral parable feels underdeveloped. But Disney still has managed to tell a thought-provoking story on a subject worth viewing through a lens of ethics and morality, even if he can’t quite break free of “Planet of the Apes” parallels.
- 50The Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckThe Hollywood ReporterFrank ScheckDeadly earnest in its highbrow seriousness, William would seem ripe for parody, except that "Encino Man" got there first.
- 50VarietyDennis HarveyVarietyDennis HarveyTim Disney’s film strikes a bland compromise between science-fantasy, suspense-melodrama and family entertainment, developing no element to a level that generates more than mild interest. It’s a polished but dull enterprise that leaves one wondering just what the filmmakers had in mind.
- 38RogerEbert.comNick AllenRogerEbert.comNick AllenWilliam simply devolves into a drab, moody morality tale for parents about not treating your kids like test subjects.