464 reviews
Sure, most other hospital dramas touch on the broken American healthcare system but The Resident is the first one to make is the focus. Sure, it's kind of corny at times, but at its root it has a great heart - nurses being the unsung heroes, insurance company super villains, new technologies lost on aging surgeons unwilling to hang up their stethoscopes, and the treatment of patients as numbers instead of human beings by hospital administration. Sometimes the way the patients are talked about and treated by the hospital management is harder to watch than any surgical treatment. It's worth a watch.
For the first two seasons this was one of my favourite shows with a good core premise around the tension between authority and ability wrapped up in financial decisions. A strong cast with interesting stories both individually and as a season arc round it out as a strong proposition.
Added to this there is the will-they-won't-they tension between Conrad and Nicolette beautifully and subtly portrayed by Matt Czuchry and Emily VanCamp.
By the middle of season three, however, things went downhill and the stories became ridiculous and uninteresting and many of the characters became caricatures of themselves.
Added to this there is the will-they-won't-they tension between Conrad and Nicolette beautifully and subtly portrayed by Matt Czuchry and Emily VanCamp.
By the middle of season three, however, things went downhill and the stories became ridiculous and uninteresting and many of the characters became caricatures of themselves.
Love this show!!! A suitable replacement for House M.D. that I mourned for ages. Yes, it isn't 100% medically accurate. But if a TV show was 100% medically and ethically accurate, it would be boring as hell. 90% of the show would be watching them do paperwork and clean up poo.
The storyline is entertaining. The protagonist characters are very likable and relatable. The antagonists are the hospital equivalent of Marvel villians.
I adore that there is FINALLY a TV series I enjoy and can watch with my Mother without having to hear her complain about inappropriate content.
Well done, Fox. Now if only you'd bring back "Surviving Jack".....
The storyline is entertaining. The protagonist characters are very likable and relatable. The antagonists are the hospital equivalent of Marvel villians.
I adore that there is FINALLY a TV series I enjoy and can watch with my Mother without having to hear her complain about inappropriate content.
Well done, Fox. Now if only you'd bring back "Surviving Jack".....
I have worked in surgery for many years, and this is the most realistic show ever produced.
The bureaucracy that exists in "for profit" hospitals, and the surgical "cover-ups" are not exaggerations!
It's all about the money!
- lastarling-68233
- May 8, 2018
- Permalink
I seriously don't understand why people don't like this show. It's so entertaining and exciting, there's always something intense going on and the characters are great. It may not be completely realistic in terms of the medical detail and how hospitals actually run, but you can't expect a medical drama to be 100% accurate, and it also has to be entertaining so even if some things are incorrect I don't see the issue if they change some things to make it more engaging. I'm enthralled by every episode. A must watch in my opinion!
- FitzSimmonsAOS
- Mar 26, 2018
- Permalink
Chillingly accurate portrayal of contemporary American medicine - driven by big money more than quality of care, insurance the determining factor for decisions, and with a veil of secrecy to cover up disasters. Quotes the true fact that preventable medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer.
That all makes for great drama, but it's not an exaggeration of the situation with U.S. health care. In addition, the human relationships between the characters, both doctors and patients, are believable. The realistic accuracy of the plots makes this not just another soap opera set in a hospital, but a very compelling drama.
- mplesset-834-242755
- Feb 26, 2018
- Permalink
I took a chance on this one, seeing Emily VanCamp in the credits, and Matt Czuchry, thought might be good......I just finished binge watching the first season on Netflix!
It's a good mix of drama, comedy, real life issues regarding hospital life and and deeper look into cost, patient care, cover ups, and not too far fetched from reality.
It's a mix of, Greys Anatomy, House, and ER in one. I liked it.....alot!!
It's a good mix of drama, comedy, real life issues regarding hospital life and and deeper look into cost, patient care, cover ups, and not too far fetched from reality.
It's a mix of, Greys Anatomy, House, and ER in one. I liked it.....alot!!
I get that there are series out there, that are much more medically acurate. And yes, The Resident plays with stereotypes and clichés. But it does so in a really entertaining way. So I do not get the negativity. I really enjoyed the first and second episode and look forward the what´s coming.
- halbdunkel
- Jan 22, 2018
- Permalink
I actually like and hate the show at the same time. While I like the doctors and nurses I stay angry with the administrative side of things and those who are representing them. While some reviews here say how unrealistic the show is the most unrealistic part is the doctors who stand up to the bureaucrats. If you are a patient who has been turn down because you didn't have the money or insurance to pay for the needed medical attention you know it is closer to reality then those here want to admit.
I say watch it and judge for yourself. If you can get past wanting to punch the head of surgery then you might just find that you like it.
- catrine-48845
- Mar 28, 2024
- Permalink
I love both main actors, so that makes this show fun. But I especially appreciate the truth about the medical field being exposed. Even if it's a bit exaggerated (which I don't need think it is), it's definitely close to the money. Great acting all- around. Sure hope it gets a second season!!
Show seems OK so far. Really excellent cast, likeable and good actors. Definitely on the melodrama side. Moralizing definitely on the heavy handed side.
Do note that a large number (16%) of the 1 votes are clearly politically motivated, from conservatives, because of the liberal slant of the undocumented immigrant plot line.
This show is far from perfect on the medical details, but the 1s are undeserved in my opinion and the lack of scores in the 2-6 range are really telling, with most scores 8-10.
Do note that a large number (16%) of the 1 votes are clearly politically motivated, from conservatives, because of the liberal slant of the undocumented immigrant plot line.
This show is far from perfect on the medical details, but the 1s are undeserved in my opinion and the lack of scores in the 2-6 range are really telling, with most scores 8-10.
You will hear this line at least 5 times per episode. Good show, but can become a little cliche.
- markfoley09-574-712560
- Feb 8, 2020
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- cynth_marple
- Apr 10, 2023
- Permalink
I really enjoy this show. I care about the characters. Having many people in family who are in the medical field I am aware that a medical show that is exactly like the hospital and a doctor's office would not be enjoyable at all. The characters would not be easy to fall in love with. That is why it really bothers me when people rate this show as a 1 or 2 because it isn't realistic. If you want something realistic watch a documentary because nothing from Hollywood is going to be realistic. It is designed for entertainment not education. Complaining about it isn't going to change the fact that more people understand the concept of entertainment when dealing with a fictional story with fictional characters. Eventually directors and writers are going to repeat story subjects because there isn't going to be anything left to come up with. Yes a guy is going to ride a bus to the hospital just like in that other movie. Yes a there is going to be a lady with schizophrenia who will accidentally walk in front of a car in a delusional state just like in another movie. It happens. Get over it. Don't like the show go watch TLC and watch the real life camera documentary of the ER and see the same thing happening over and over again because its life.
- reinhilde-71617
- Mar 23, 2019
- Permalink
I don't even like medical dramas, and I like this one. Many of the reviews here are from those who only watched the pilot, which I admit showed a rather surface-level power clash of the two main characters. But as the show has gone on (I just finished S1 E6), it has gotten increasingly interesting and much smoother to watch. I mainly started watching because of Matt Cuzchry, and he holds down the cast with a strong performance every episode. I am fascinated with their exploration of corruption in hospitals (although I think it is exaggerated at times, but what drama isn't?!), and they do weave that theme into every episode.
Good overall mix of medical drama, a romance, and individual character stories that have gotten more complex and real. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out!
Good overall mix of medical drama, a romance, and individual character stories that have gotten more complex and real. Looking forward to seeing how this plays out!
- jmrx-242-218325
- Mar 11, 2018
- Permalink
It's a TV show and stop saying that it is inaccurate, it's normal no one will use it as a guide for medicine in real life at least no one with brains! Not the most original storyline, but it does entertain, it's full with passion .
- info-90701
- Jan 26, 2023
- Permalink
It's not the greatest medical drama and does not compare to ER as far as realism goes but as a nurse most of the medical stuff is correct and every show gets stuff wrong so don't not like a medical show because it's not 100% accurate.
I like that they have taken this show on from a different angle - money and corruption! I don't live in the USA but I imagine this is actually quite accurate in the way hospitals are run and that it is all about money and not necessarily doing what's best for the patient.
The characters so far are interesting - I'm 7 episodes in and I like that some patients are in it for longer than an episode. There are characters you want to root for the do gooders and there are characters you love to hate who are selfish, rich and really in the wrong business. Oh and there's a main character that's a nurse which is always a plus since we basically make the hospitals run!
So if you like medical dramas give it a go! I've seen them all - ER is the best, I've got a soft spot for Greys Anatomy even though sometimes it's ridiculous m, Code Black is great, Chicago Med is alright, The night shift was good. They are all entertaining so in my mind they do what they are suppose to!
I like that they have taken this show on from a different angle - money and corruption! I don't live in the USA but I imagine this is actually quite accurate in the way hospitals are run and that it is all about money and not necessarily doing what's best for the patient.
The characters so far are interesting - I'm 7 episodes in and I like that some patients are in it for longer than an episode. There are characters you want to root for the do gooders and there are characters you love to hate who are selfish, rich and really in the wrong business. Oh and there's a main character that's a nurse which is always a plus since we basically make the hospitals run!
So if you like medical dramas give it a go! I've seen them all - ER is the best, I've got a soft spot for Greys Anatomy even though sometimes it's ridiculous m, Code Black is great, Chicago Med is alright, The night shift was good. They are all entertaining so in my mind they do what they are suppose to!
- fatelovesthefearless
- Mar 17, 2018
- Permalink
I am not a nurse, doctor or anything of that nature so im not surehow accurate the medical side is but this is an enjoyable show! It shows a side of hospitals you don't really see, the potentially corrupt kind. This show gets you fired up and it's also quite heartfelt (with the doctors/nurses who care). I'd give it a few episodes and judge for yourself!
- xiknouloveme-39611
- Mar 26, 2018
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- fahadshaikh-27184
- Jan 21, 2018
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I have watched the first hour. It gives your the dark reality of medical field in America. I have personally viewed some of this and know it to be true. Why do you think Medical Billers are making soo much money? The more money they make for doctors via reimbursements they happier they are. I am talking about reimbursements of the ICD 9 and 10 coding. Most think Obama care is great and Trump care (even though it does not exist yet) is bad. Try asking someone who is on the current government medical on how it is. There are more and more doctors that are pulling out of Obama care on a daily basis. The medical field in America is about money not helping the patients. This is what this show creates. So watch both parts and decide. This show has a lot of potential. I laugh at the show because some of this stuff I have seen and now they are letting the true cat out of the bag.
- scrooloosek
- Jan 22, 2018
- Permalink
The first seasons were interesting and had a variety of cases and interactions between characters. This season though, everything is so negative I just can't stand it anymore. Between Red Rock, Cain (and I am a huge Morris Chestnut fan), and now the supplement situation, I've had it. The characters are miserable all the time and spend their time lurching between disasters, so it's just not fun to watch any more.
I cant compare this genre to any other series. This is the first hospital drama i have watched completely. It is an ongoing storyline that has sub stories in each episode and it never veers off the main topic. The acting is realistic and extremely entertaining. The cast are mainly unknown young actors who are very talented. The veteran actors (Warner and Leeves) blend in nicely with the young actors and dont upstage them. The show is addicting and perfect for binge watching. Its like you cant wait for the bect episode. I compare it to early Walking Dead.
- rusoffcory
- Mar 26, 2019
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