Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023) Poster

Bradley Cooper: Rocket



  • Rocket : Someday I'm gonna make great machines that fly. And me and my friends are gonna go flying together, into the forever and beautiful sky.

  • Rocket : [after arriving in the afterlife, sees Lylla, sobs]  Lylla?

    Lylla : [walks to him]  Friend...

    Rocket : [voice breaking]  I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

    Lylla : Rocket...

    Rocket : I let you down. I got you killed. I got everybody killed!

    [Rocket cries as Lylla comforts him] 

    Lylla : [smiles]  We were right. The sky is beautiful, and it is forever. And I've been flying with our friends.

    [Rocket sees Teefs and Floor waving to him, Rocket waves back] 

    Rocket : Can I come?

    Lylla : Yes!

    [back in reality, Rocket flatlines, back in the afterlife, Rocket slowly walks to his friends until Lylla stops him] 

    Lylla : But not yet. You still have a purpose here.

    Rocket : [cries harder]  A purpose for what? They made us for nothing! Just stupid experiments to be thrown away!

    Lylla : There are the hands that made us, and then there are the hands that guide their hands.

    [Rocket and Lylla caress and embrace each other] 

    Lylla : My beloved raccoon. The story has been yours all along. You just didn't know it.

    Rocket : I'm not a raccoon...

    [without warning, Rocket gets sent back to reality and wakes up] 

  • The High Evolutionary : YOU! You thought you could escape me? No!

    [violently attacks Rocket] 

    The High Evolutionary : You think you have some worth in and of yourself without me? No! You're an abomination! Nothing more than a step on my path! You freakish little monster! How dare you think you are more, 8-9-P-1-3!

    [Rocket frees himself and takes out his weapon] 

    Rocket : The name's Rocket. Rocket Raccoon.

  • [Gamora slowly removes the High Evolutionary's face clean off before the High Evolutionary falls flat on his back] 

    Drax : His face came off!

    Rocket : It's a mask.

    [the Guardians then see that the High Evolutionary's face is totally disfigured with no skin] 

    The High Evolutionary : Look what you did to me! For what? All I wanted to do... was to make things... perfect!

    Rocket : You didn't want to make things perfect. You just hated things the way they are.

  • Peter Quill : We have been running our whole lives!

    Rocket : Pete, I'm done running.

  • Mantis : Rocket, we love you and we're glad you're alive.

    Rocket : Well that makes you the idiots then.

  • Drax : Kill him!

    [Rocket aims his blaster at the High Evolutionary... then puts in down] 

    Drax : Why?

    Rocket : Because I'm a freaking Guardian of the Galaxy.

  • [Rocket gathers pieces of gadgets from the cell] 

    Floor : Me and Rocket play now?

    Rocket : I can't right now, Floor.

    Lylla : [sees him building something]  What are you doing?

    Rocket : They ain't gonna set us free.

    Teefs : Yes, they are, Rocket. We're going to the new world any day now.

    [Rocket solemnly shakes his head] 

    Lylla : [realizes this]  No, that can't be true!

    Rocket : It is. They want to kill us all in the morning.

    Teefs : What?

    Floor : What?

    Rocket : But I'm gonna fix it.

    [Rocket finishes putting gadgets together] 

    Lylla : What is that?

    Rocket : It's a key. I'm gonna use it to get us all out of here.

    Teefs : [shakes his head in worry]  I don't know if that's wise, Rocket.

    Floor : [excitedly]  Me, Rocket leave! Hurray, friends forever!

    Rocket : Just down that hall, there's ships. I know that if we can get to one, I can pilot it. And then we'll all fly away together, the four of us. Just like we always said, okay?

    [Teefs and Lylla look at him] 

    Rocket : Okay?

    [Lylla nods] 

    Floor : WOO-HOO! Yippee, Rocket! Sky, sky, sky!

    [Rocket slowly walks to the cage door and swipes the key, the door opens] 

    Lylla : You did it! You did it!

  • Lylla : [after Rocket frees her]  It's so good to have fr...

    [a loud bang is heard, Lylla sees she has been shot, she slowly collapses on the ground, the High Evolutionary is shown with a gun in his hand] 

    The High Evolutionary : Yes, I imagined you'd do something like this. Back in the cage, P13.

    [Rocket goes devastated as Lylla looks up at the ceiling] 

    Lylla : [weakly]  Sky...

    [Lylla dies, tears begin to fill Rocket's eyes] 

    Rocket : [screams and cries in anguish]  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  • [Quill spots Rocket carrying his Zune while entering the bar] 

    Peter Quill : [drunkenly]  Hey! Uh-uh! No! I told you a million times, you keep your grimy raccoon hands off my Zune!

    [he snatches his Zune from Rocket's hands] 

    Rocket : [gets his drink]  And I told you a million times, I'm not a damn raccoon.

  • Peter Quill : Nebula?

    Nebula : Where are you?

    Peter Quill : Oh, thank god.

    Nebula : We're here to get you out of here.

    Peter Quill : Out of where?

    Nebula : The High Evolutionary's ship.

    Peter Quill : No, I got off the ship.

    Nebula : [reacts]  You what?

    Peter Quill : Wait. Where are you?

    Nebula : On the ship!

    Peter Quill : On the ship?

    Nebula : I didn't lie.

    Peter Quill : Why are you on the ship?

    Nebula : To save you, obviously!

    Peter Quill : No! I told you to go back, you got to know by now I always figure out an incredibly clever way to get out of a fix!

    Drax : Tell him I said hi.

    Nebula : Really?

    Drax : Tell him we're coming to save him.

    Nebula : Pay attention or play with the kids. One or the other.

    Gamora : [reacts]  Play with the kids?

    Mantis : How did you get out?

    Peter Quill : That's not really important.

    Groot : I am Groot.

    Mantis : Jumping a thousand feet to your death without a parachute is a clever way of getting out of a fix?

    Gamora : You're all just making up stuff that he's saying, right?

    Rocket : The important thing is we're all okay.

    [Nebula, Drax and Mantis heard that Rocket] 

    Nebula : Rocket?

    Peter Quill : Yeah, he's here and he's okay.

    [Nebula gasps and cries] 

    Mantis : Rocket, we love you very much and we're happy you're alive.

    Rocket : Well, that makes you idiots then.

See also

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